Progressive era mindmap

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Progressive era mindmap by Mind Map: Progressive era mindmap

1. Health & safety

1.1. problems/people had no way to tell if they were eating safe and healthy food.there were no laws or regulation on what thes procing plants coiuld sell to the public

1.1.1. refoms/the pure drug and food act was creted to try and prevent things like that from happening. facotry owners were made to learn how to make their plant safer. nurses also started going to patients houses that were either to poor or sick to go the hospital soulutions/ the soulutions were to make sure that there were laws and regulations in place to make sure that the food is safe for the public

2. corruption

2.1. problem/ polatitions were being bribed by companies and organizativos to win elections William M. Tweed. stole enormous amounts of money from the city

2.1.1. reforms robert M. la follette established a direct primary in wisconsin solution. give voters the ability to vote to remove government proposed officials,allow them to p laws, and let voters vote on proposed laws

3. workers rights

3.1. problems/ they worked in usafe environments and payed little while working long hard hours. most factory workers could not provide enough money to support there faimileys so there children had to also work.

3.1.1. reforms/ labor unions were started. unions would start strikes and slow down production. ALF was created the company's would give into the workers strikes and give them what the wanted. new laws were passed to give these union workers more rights.

4. suffrage

4.1. problems/ women were not able to vote.

4.1.1. refoms/ groups started to form like the nawsa to gain the right. western states staarted to extend voting rights. then world war 2 happend wich lead to women righting votes. solution. the 19th amendment would allow women to vote

5. poverty

5.1. problems / many people could not afford houses and had to live in apartments. tenements were overcrowded and run down

5.1.1. reforms/ Jacob A. Riis was photographer that took pictures of these over crowded tenements and exposed these cramp unsafe living environment. efforts were put into laws to help improve living conditions for the slums. soultions/ Jane addams bought a house to provide services to poor people.

6. conservation

6.1. problem/natural resources were disappearing rapidly as the U.S continued to expand.

6.1.1. reform/ these places would be named as national parks Federal laws began to be past. these laws would force company's and business to obey the laws of these national parks and forest

7. racims

7.1. problems/ racism started to restrict black Americans rights. African americans were treated differently

7.1.1. reforms/ The N.A.A.C.P was created African Americans were tought trades. this school was specifically for blacks and provided some of the best teaching and training. solutions/ Give African Americans a good education and a way to make money

8. child labor

8.1. reforms/ lewis hine was a photographer that showed lives of children working in factries. his pictures were published and showed how bad these children lives were. law were then made to force kids to go to school even if they were poor or couldn't afford it.

8.1.1. solution. in the end they decided to end all child labor and force kids to go to school so they didn't work such dangerous and hard jobs at such young ages.

9. probition

9.1. problems/the ban of alchole lead to people making there own and selling it illegal. banning alchole also lead to orginzed crim

9.1.1. problems / it was belived that alcohol lead to violence and poverty. Women's Christian Temperance Union felt that Prohibition would promote morality and better health. reforms/a ban on the sale of alcohol to help put a stop to some of what they felt were society's evils.Prohibition advocate Carrie Nation went as far as taking a hatchet to saloons as she preached the evils of alcohol. saloons were forced to close solution/ the 18th admendment was past