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Egypt by Mind Map: Egypt

1. Traditions

1.1. Step in with your right leg

1.1.1. so you can start a new life

1.1.2. it symbolizes good luck will come

1.1.3. so that you may have the best of luck

1.2. Sham el nessim

1.2.1. The people in egypt celebrates easter/sham el nessim, because it marked the beggining of spring.

1.3. Drumming El Hon

1.3.1. they belive that babies and children should respect their elders

1.4. Beware of the black crow

1.4.1. brings bad luck

1.5. burying a weasel

1.5.1. it will give you prosperity money and a better life

1.5.2. symbolizes that people belive that weasels will make them happy

1.5.3. because they need happiness and belive that it will help

1.6. The twitching eye

1.6.1. it will give you good luck

1.7. beware of the turned slipper

1.7.1. it will bring evil in the house

1.7.2. it symbolizes someone will die at home

1.7.3. because they don't want bad luck or to die

1.8. beware of the black cat

1.8.1. they believe that a black cat brings bad luck to your life.

1.9. Wrapping the dead

1.9.1. they need to to preserve the body for the afterlife

2. Rituals

2.1. During sham el nessim the Egyptians would decorate boiled eggs.

2.1.1. They decorated it because they believed it means rebirth.

2.2. opening of the mouth

2.2.1. so that the person who died could eat and drink in the afterlife

2.2.2. symbolizes that you care for the one who died

2.2.3. so that the person will not starve

2.3. giving wedding ring

2.3.1. The ancient Egypians believed in vein of love that runs directly from the fourth finger on the left hand.

3. Artifacts

3.1. Pyramid

3.1.1. this was built to bury the rich and so that they can be rich in the afterlife

3.2. Sphinx

3.2.1. this was built to protect important places and give riddles to the people that tresspass

3.3. Tutankhaman mask

3.3.1. Tutankhamon's mask was made so that the spirit would recognise the body after death. Tutankhamon's mask represents the Egyptians values and cultures, because they believed in the afterlife

3.4. The grave mask of king amenemope

3.4.1. On the 17th April 1940, the sarcophagus of King Amenemopet was opened in the presence of modern Egyptian King Farouk. Inside were the remains of a golden burial, 2,900 years old. However this golden mask of Amenemopet's hides the fact that this king actually didn't have a lot of money.

3.5. narmer palette

3.5.1. The narmer palette a ceremonial palette used in the ritual of mixing and applying the kings eye makeup.

3.6. statue of khufu

3.6.1. The ritual purpose of the statue of kufu is unclear it was either part of a traditional statue cult or mortuary cult

3.7. statue of kahfra

3.7.1. The statue of kahfra was carved for the Pharaoh's valley temple near the great sphinx .This ols statue has an important function in egyptian tombs as a substitute abodes for the Pharaoh's ka the life force.

3.8. merneptah stele

3.8.1. The Merneptah Stele has caused some embarrassment to “the late exodus” mindset of those conventional and liberal biblical archaeologists who tried to equate Ramesses II as the pharaoh of the exodus.

3.9. Monastry of St. Anthony

3.9.1. The Church of St Anthony is the oldest part of the monastery and the main highlight of a visit here. It's built over the saint’s tomb and contains one of Egypt’s most significant collections of Coptic wall paintings.

3.10. statue of menkaure

3.10.1. they believe that the afterlife is real

3.11. mummies

3.11.1. Mummies were made to keep the body together so it could go to the spiritual after life. This is connected the the Egyptians beliefs, because they believed in the afterlife.

3.12. sarcophagus

3.12.1. the dead may dwell in it once they reach the afterlife

3.13. eye makeup

3.13.1. from Ms.Castro, it was believed to protect your eyes from the sun and to protect you from illnesses

3.14. cats

3.14.1. from Xian, They believed that the people that housed them would bring good luck