Albert & Sophie Wedding Plans

Caleb's event planning mind map

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Albert & Sophie Wedding Plans 저자: Mind Map: Albert & Sophie Wedding Plans

1. Groom Tux & Shoes

1.1. Tux

1.2. Shoes:

1.2.1. Idea from Aldo

1.2.2. Idea from Ferragamo

2. Groomsmen

3. Bridesmaids

3.1. Dresses

3.2. Invites

4. Venue

4.1. Venue fees

4.2. Venue contract

5. Food & Beverage

6. Marriage Certificate

7. Decorations

7.1. Ceremony

7.2. Cocktail Reception

7.3. Party

8. DJ

8.1. Music, Lights, Sound

8.1.1. Idea 1

9. Photographer

9.1. Options

9.1.1. *Save the Date* Photography

9.1.2. Joe and Robyn Photography

10. Videographer

10.1. Video idea I loved

11. Bride Dress/Shoes

12. Officiant

13. Image Idea

14. Ideas