Perspectives on Behaviour Change

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Perspectives on Behaviour Change by Mind Map: Perspectives on Behaviour Change

1. Social Practice theory

1.1. Shove

1.2. Bourdieu: Habitus

2. Individual Empowerment

2.1. Tengland

2.2. Critical consciousness

3. Buddhism

3.1. Anxiety

3.2. Self awareness

4. Psycho-social

4.1. Identity

4.1.1. Social agency

4.2. Denial

4.3. Dark Mountain

4.4. Anxiety

5. Personality

5.1. Myers Briggs

6. Collective empowerment

6.1. Freire

7. Common Cause

7.1. Crompton: Values and frames

8. Mainstream psychological behaviour change models

8.1. Self efficacy

8.2. Stages of change

8.3. Health belief model

8.4. Theory of planned behaviour

9. Social marketing

10. Behavioural economics

10.1. Sunstein & Thayer: Nudge


11. Actor network

11.1. Latour: think automatic door closers!

12. Top down policy

12.1. Legislation

12.2. Regulation

13. Habits