Evolution of 5G and it impacts in IoT specialized smart farming

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Evolution of 5G and it impacts in IoT specialized smart farming by Mind Map: Evolution of 5G and it impacts in IoT specialized smart farming

1. Vegetal and crops

1.1. Low and high radio frequencies affect on them

2. Doc

2.1. Khanna, A., & Kaur, S. (2019). Evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) and its significant impact in the field of Precision Agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157, 218-231.

2.2. Evolution of 5g

3. 5G

3.1. low latency*

3.1.1. help farmer could respond quickly to change in environment, such as soil moisture, temperatures increase bandwidth technologies mmWave

3.2. Network Capacity*

3.2.1. larger number of connected devices compared to 4G. make farmer easier to connect sensors and other iot devices to network

3.3. More saved energy

3.3.1. network slicing and network computing

3.3.2. technologies Massive MIMO mmWave beamforming

3.4. Security

3.4.1. secure boot

3.4.2. secure element

4. IoT devices