Vroom-Yetton Decision Model

Would you like to know whether you as a leader are better off deciding alone or together with your team? Take the Vroom-Yetton decision model as an aid.

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Vroom-Yetton Decision Model by Mind Map: Vroom-Yetton Decision Model

1. Autocratic (A1) The leader makes a decision based on information readily available.

2. Question 1: Is the quality of the decision important?

2.1. yes

2.1.1. Question 2: Is team commitment to the decision important? yes Question 3: Do you have enough information to make the decision on your own? no Question 3: Do you have enough information to make the decision on your own?

2.2. no

2.2.1. Question 2: Is team commitment to the decision important? yes Question 5: If you were to make your decision yourself, would the team support it? no A1

3. Autocratic (A2) The leader collects information from team members, and then makes the decision alone based on the information collected. The decision may or may not be shared with the group.

4. Consultative (C1) The leader consults with team members individually, aksing for their ideas and suggestions. The team does not meet together. The leader makes a decision based on individual input.

5. Consultative (C2) The team meets together and the leader seeks options and suggestions. The leader makes a decision alone based on the input from the group.

6. Collaborative (G2) The team meets together to discuss and brainstorm. The team collectively makes the decision. The leader ensures that everybody agrees on the decision.