Product Launch Template

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Product Launch Template by Mind Map: Product Launch Template

1. Website

1.1. Homepage

1.2. Use Case pages

1.3. Pricing page

2. Development

2.1. Plan Roadmap

2.2. Feature List

2.3. Bug Squashing

3. Support

3.1. Help center content

3.2. Templates for agents

4. Marketing

4.1. Assets and collaterals

4.1.1. Tutorial Video

4.1.2. User Guide

4.2. Social media promotions

4.2.1. Illustration

4.2.2. Text

4.3. Ad campaigns

4.3.1. Google Ads

4.3.2. Bing Ads

5. PR

5.1. US market

5.1.1. Press release

5.2. Other markets

6. Sales

6.1. Sales collaterals

6.1.1. Pitch deck

6.1.2. Product one-sheet

6.2. Webinar

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