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Islam by Mind Map: Islam

1. The Qur'an

1.1. The Qur'an is extremely important to Muslim's as it contains the holy scriptures given by the Prophet Muhammed

1.2. The Qur'an is treated with respect as you must perform a special washing routine before touching it and also it must me kept above people's feet

1.3. The Qur'an contains stories that tell Muslims how to live their life's the right way

1.4. The angel Jibril visited Muhammed to bring him the word of God

1.5. God teaches mankind through the written words 'He who taught (the use of) the pen - taught man that which He knew not

1.6. The Qur'an teaches belief in God (Shahadah), asking for forgiveness, offering prayer (Salah), assisting others (Zakat), rejecting cheat, the love of wealth; Sawn and Hajj

1.7. The Qur'an names 25 prophets

2. Worship

2.1. The Mosque is the Islamic place of worship

2.2. Prayer is the Islamic pillar for Sawm

2.3. It is furfilling duty toward God

2.4. The main point of Muslim prayer is a peaceful submission, communicating with Allah using Arabic

2.5. Before prayer, wudu must be carried out

2.5.1. Wudu is a special washing sequence that must be used before prayer and reading the Qur'an as it makes you pure

2.6. A du'a is a type of prayer. It is a personal and private prayer and it is also quicker. It can be spoken in any language whereas Salah is a sequence that is time consuming

2.7. Salah can happen anywhere, it can take place at a Mosque or a home but wudu and a prayer mat must me used

3. Beliefs

3.1. Muslims believe in one God

3.2. The Five Pillars of Islam

3.2.1. Hajj

3.2.2. Shahadah

3.2.3. Zakat

3.2.4. Salah

3.2.5. Sawm

3.3. Prophet Muhammed

3.4. Eid-ul-Fitr

3.5. Eid-ul-Adha

3.6. Ramadan

3.7. 99 names for God

3.8. Pray mat is positioned toward Meccah

3.9. Judgement day

3.10. Prayer 5 times a day

4. Prophet Muhammed

4.1. Prophet Muhammed is very important in Islam and is highly respected by all Muslims

4.2. Prophet Muhammed was the last ever prophet and delivered Allah's message to humans

4.3. He was a descendant from the Prophet Ismail

4.4. His first wife was called Khadija

4.5. Prophet Muhammed couldn't read or write but one day the angel Jibril came and commanded him to read. He was told 3 times before he could read and then he was given the revelation. He was given the message of God and it was his duty to deliver it to the people

4.6. Prophet Muhammed taught people in Meccah about Allah even though he was at risk as people worshipped idols then