Concerted Cultivation (traits of the parenting strategy utilized by Middle-Class)

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Concerted Cultivation (traits of the parenting strategy utilized by Middle-Class) by Mind Map: Concerted Cultivation (traits of the parenting strategy utilized by Middle-Class)

1. Accomplishment of Natural Growth (traits of the parenting strategy utilized by Working Class and poor)

1.1. Children's sense of energy

1.1.1. do not complain of boredom as much

1.2. more time in/around home

1.3. More autonomy with regard to leisure and child initiated play

1.3.1. play outside

1.3.2. create own games

1.3.3. informal play

1.3.4. more responsible for lives outside of home

1.3.5. unstructured time

1.4. May not work well in free-enterprise, competative economic system

1.4.1. siblings fight less

1.4.2. less competative

2. Children's Sense of Entitlement

2.1. right to weigh in with an opinion

2.2. right to make special requests

2.3. right to pass judgement

2.4. right to offer advice

2.5. expect attention

2.6. expect to be taken seriously

3. Children's sense of exhaustion

3.1. expressions of being bored

4. Works well in free-enterprise, competative economic system (Ogbu)

4.1. assertive

4.2. individualized

4.3. actions executed by persons who command skill in reasoning and negotiation