1. Other
1.1. SPARK
1.1.1. Show respect I can show respect by listening to the speaker and I shouldn't make fun of others when they do something wrong
1.1.2. Persevere towards your goals I can do this by setting goals and trying to achieve them instead of giving up when they are hard
1.1.3. Act responsibly When the teacher gives me some lab equipment, I can respect it by using it right and not damaging it and bringing all the materials I need for the day
1.1.4. Relate with empathy I can relate with empathy by thinking about how others might feel when I say or do something and if I wouldn't like it I shouldn't do it to others
1.1.5. Keep kindness going I can be kind by saying please and thank you when I want something or I recieve something
1.2. Syllabus
1.2.1. Genral politics Being in class is the most important part of this course. Do not let anyone copy your work; both parties involved will receive a ZERO. Be honest in all your academic coursework therefore submit your own original work. Cheating will not be tolerated. You lose the chance to learn and you get a “0” – worse than an “F” and also result in disciplinary action. Questions are encouraged and necessary. There will be no side conversations between students during lecture time but discussion is encouraged on academic topics. It is your responsibility to do the following: Focus on the teacher during instruction, listen when someone else is contributing to the discussion. Follow directions the first time they are given. Adopt team spirit for group work.
1.2.2. Make - up work policy Late work is accepted for 50% partial credit. All late work made up must be made-up within the current Unit being taught.
1.2.3. Grading policy Grades will be based on a percent scale, approximately as follows: Above 90% = A 89% - 80% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 59% and below = F
1.2.4. Grade breakdown Homework / Classwork / Quizzes = 40% Labs / Projects= 30% Exams = 30%
1.2.5. Coursework The course will be using McGraw Hills 7th grade coursebook for the entirety of the year. Each student will receive their own coursebook physical copy to take home, as well as a digital copy of the textbook that they can access at any time online. The coursebooks are made up of 4 units, with each unit contained within its own workbook. Students will be given new coursebooks as we progress throughout the year. Google Classroom will be used for all assignments. If parents want to observe/view the progress of their students, they can follow along by being an observer. Please notify me at my email address if you want to be given access to the students google classroom coursework.