Lifehacking Lucid Dreaming

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Lifehacking Lucid Dreaming 作者: Mind Map: Lifehacking Lucid Dreaming

1. 1. Induction

1.1. MILD Technique

1.2. Dream Signs

1.3. Meditation

2. Supplements

2.1. Huperzine A

2.2. Choline

2.3. DMAE

2.4. Galantamine

2.5. Melatonin

3. 2. Dream Totems

3.1. Words and Letters Change

3.2. Reality Checking while Watching TV

3.3. Light Switches

3.4. Your Name

4. 3. Stablization

4.1. Hand Rubbing

4.2. Spinning

4.3. Focus on Body Sensations

5. Tools

5.1. Remy Lucid Dreaming Mask

5.2. Evernote Dream Journal

5.3. Zeo Sleep Manager Pro

6. 4. Things To Do

6.1. Sex

6.2. Fighting

6.3. Flying

6.4. Demand a Gift

7. 5. Personal Development Applications

7.1. Ask a Deep Question

7.2. 'Being Present' and Situational Awareness

7.3. Self Control

7.4. Practicing Creating One's Own Reality