Continuing Education Website User Types

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Continuing Education Website User Types by Mind Map: Continuing Education Website User Types

1. Certification Preparation & Recertification

1.1. Human Resources - DISC

1.2. Human Resources - PayTrain

1.3. CPA - Accounting / Tax Preparation

1.4. PMP - Project Management Professional

1.5. Human Resources - SHRM

1.6. Facilities Management - IFMA

1.7. Public Safety - CPM

1.8. Animl Control

2. Testing Center

2.1. Developmental Education


3.1. CEUs

3.1.1. HR

3.1.2. Health

3.1.3. Fire

3.1.4. CPA - Accounting / Tax Preparation

3.1.5. PMP - Project Management Professional

3.2. Courses

3.2.1. Advanced Manufacturing

3.2.2. Building Construction and Architecture

3.2.3. Business

3.2.4. Communications

3.2.5. Customer Service

3.2.6. Facilities Management

3.2.7. Financial Services and Accounting Accounting/Finance (Payroll & Tax)

3.2.8. Healthcare Administration

3.2.9. Healthcare Professions

3.2.10. Human Resources

3.2.11. IT and Technology

3.2.12. Insurance

3.2.13. Languages

3.2.14. Leadership Development Supervision

3.2.15. Management

3.2.16. Office Adminstration

3.2.17. Public Safety - Fire Services

3.2.18. Public Safety - Government

3.2.19. Public Safety - Criminal Justice

3.2.20. Real Estate

3.2.21. Sales and Marketing

3.3. COURSES FROM CE (Joe & Carolyn)

3.3.1. Advanced Manufacturing

3.3.2. Accounting/Finance (Payroll & Tax)

3.3.3. Building Construction & Architecture

3.3.4. Communications

3.3.5. Computers

3.3.6. Criminal Justice

3.3.7. Customer Service

3.3.8. Facilities Management - (IFMA)

3.3.9. Fire - Advance Specialized Training

3.3.10. Government (CPM)

3.3.11. Healthcare Professions

3.3.12. Healthcare Administration

3.3.13. Human Resources - (SHRM)

3.3.14. Insurance

3.3.15. Languages

3.3.16. Leadership Development

3.3.17. Management

3.3.18. Public Safety (911)

3.3.19. Real Estate

3.3.20. Sales and Marketing

3.3.21. Supervision


4.1. Corporate University

4.2. J-Visa Partnerships

4.3. Organizational Performance Consulting

4.4. Organizational Training

4.5. Corporate Training

4.6. Consulting

4.7. Additional Services

4.7.1. Collaborative Design Center

5. Delivery Mode

5.1. On Site

5.2. Classroom

5.3. Online

6. General

6.1. About

6.2. Careers

6.3. Partners

6.4. Locations/Map

6.5. Team/Staff

7. Organizational Development