Allegory of the Cave

This is my map for Plato's "Allegory of The Cave". This is intended for educational purposes only.

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Allegory of the Cave by Mind Map: Allegory of the Cave

1. Wisdom in the Cave

1.1. If the prisoners were able to catch a glimpse of what was behind them, there would be honors and commendations for who could forsee the objects and what order they came in.

2. His Return back to the cave

2.1. His eyes are now filled back with darkness after being in the light

2.1.1. His eyes now need time again to readjust to the darkness once again. His eyes are ruined.

2.2. Now knowing too much about the shadows, he tells the others of his journey.

2.2.1. He would most likely be exposed to ridicule for knowing too much

2.2.2. They would certainly kill him, if they were freed and get ahold of him.

3. Main Idea

3.1. To compare human nature in respect of education and its lack thereof to an experience as this

4. The Setting

4.1. The cave: Under earth dwelling, stretching upward toward daylight.

4.1.1. Its dark and you can only see the light at the end of the cave and the light of the fire that is behind them. There is a wall that the prisoners look at all day everyday.

5. The Prisoners

5.1. Have been living in this dwelling since childhood, shackled at the legs and neck. They stay in the same place so that there is only one thing for them to look at.

5.1.1. They may regard the soliders as gods as that is the only human contact they may have besides themselves (other prisoners) One Prisoner Gets Sets Free Forced to stand, walk, and look up at the flickering brightness of the sun. Is cured of his lack of insight " If someone to inform him that what he saw was mere trifles but that now he was nearer to beings." " if someone were to show him any of the objects that were passing by and forced him to answer what it was wouldn't he be at his wits end?" And is now about to go on a journey out of the darkness and into the sunlight. He is dragged into the light, processing all pain, rage, and possibly blindness. Going into the light from the dark so suddenly, would most likely cause a lttle blindness. Being imprisoned for so long his eyes have yet to adjust.

6. The narrorators

6.1. Socrates and Glaucon

6.1.1. Socrates

6.1.2. Talkes about the process of which a prisoner is released and cured of his lack of insight. His journey of knowledge.

6.2. Glaucon

6.2.1. A disiple of Socrates. He is learning about the respect of education and how the prisoners have the lack thereof.

7. Questions about The Gods

7.1. If the Gods were the soldiers to the prisoners, wouldn't that mean that those who were free were Gods themselves?

7.2. And if that is so towards the end of the story, him being forced down and killed by the prisoners, would that mean that he wasn't greatful for being among the Gods?