Learning Environments mapped to 'Archetypal Attributes for Knowledge Environments' (Scott-Webber,...

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Learning Environments mapped to 'Archetypal Attributes for Knowledge Environments' (Scott-Webber, 2004) by Mind Map: Learning Environments mapped to 'Archetypal Attributes for Knowledge Environments' (Scott-Webber, 2004)

1. misc

1.1. wherever we are

1.2. at my desk

1.2.1. online

1.2.2. quiet space self directed

1.3. at work

1.3.1. open office cant get much reflection done (unless out of hours)

1.4. commute to work

1.4.1. in the car plan, reflect, be creative

1.4.2. bus

1.4.3. walking to school

1.5. Kids play areas

1.6. at home

1.6.1. on a couch

1.6.2. most productive when I study in a quiet location, after work, weekends

1.6.3. chair in front of window read articles

1.6.4. desk sun/trees and outdoors, PJ's

1.6.5. in bed middle of the night

1.6.6. dining room table

1.7. students

1.7.1. outside

1.7.2. at work

1.7.3. bus

1.7.4. airport

1.8. in a paddock

2. EDK - Environments for Delivering Knowledge. Information is imparted via formal method so that others may learn

2.1. lecture hall

2.2. lecture theatres

2.3. classroom

2.4. auditoriums

2.5. echo360

2.6. youtube

2.6.1. The Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy.org

2.7. podcasts

2.7.1. iTunes

2.8. moodle

2.9. powerpoints

3. ECK - Environments for Creating Knowledge. Where er create, innovate and implement new ideas.

3.1. computer labs

3.2. design studios

3.3. workshops

3.4. science labs

3.5. collaborative coding

3.5.1. https://github.com

3.6. collaborative Office

3.6.1. Google docs http://docs.google.com

3.6.2. Office360 http://www.office365login.com

4. EAK - Environments for Applying Knowledge. Where we put knowledge into practice

4.1. clinical spaces

4.2. mock nursing wards

4.3. hospital

4.4. tutorial rooms

4.5. library

4.6. in the paddock

4.7. outside with the farm animals

4.8. virtual labs

4.8.1. http://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/engineering/about-engineering/uts-engineering-facilities/remote-laboratory

5. EDM - Environments for Decision Making. Where information is distilled and judgements are made and acted upon

5.1. faculty meetings

5.2. moot court

5.3. votapedia

5.4. surveymonkey

6. ECmK - Environments for Communicating Knowledge. Where people exchange information, formally and informally, verbally and non verbally

6.1. office

6.2. UC refectory

6.3. Cafes, Bars & Coffee Shops

6.4. Yacht club

6.5. socially from google

6.6. facebook

6.7. email

6.8. youtube comments

6.9. moodle forums

6.10. virtual classroom (collaborate)

6.11. blogs

7. Key

7.1. Formal

7.2. Informal

7.3. Online