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Child Poverty by Mind Map: Child Poverty

1. Instable living situation

1.1. Domestic abuse

1.1.1. Bullying Suicide

1.2. Dangerous neighborhood

1.2.1. imprinting on risky role models violence Poverty as an adult Incarcaration/Juvenile detention Substance abuse

1.3. Lack of Social group

1.3.1. emotional malaadaptaion

2. Hunger/malnutrition

2.1. preventable disease incidence

2.1.1. Chronic disease Incidence

2.2. Poor/delayed development (physical or mental)

2.2.1. Poor outlook in school

2.2.2. shortened lifespan

3. Lack of enrichment

3.1. Lack of experience when entering society/socializing

3.2. Maladaptive behaviours

3.2.1. Substance abuse

3.3. Antisocial behaviour