Socialization Process

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Socialization Process by Mind Map: Socialization Process

1. Meaning

1.1. Learning Process from birth to death

2. Features

2.1. Formal&Informal

2.2. Continuous

2.3. Learning Process

2.4. Help to control behaviour

3. Agents

3.1. Active

3.1.1. Family

3.1.2. Neighbours

3.1.3. School

3.1.4. Peer group

3.1.5. Caste& Class

3.1.6. Religous Institutes

3.2. Passive

3.2.1. Mass media

3.2.2. Radio

3.2.3. Magzines

3.2.4. Televesion

3.2.5. Library

4. Elements

4.1. Communication

4.2. Culture

4.3. Role Expectation

4.4. Role Performance

5. Types

5.1. Primary

5.1.1. Family

5.2. Secondary

5.2.1. Neighbours, Peeer Group, etc.

5.3. Anticipatory

5.3.1. Learn for Future role(Role: Teacher, learn: Microteaching Skillls)

5.4. Re-Socialization

5.4.1. Learn/ Accept new Behaviour(e.g. Drug addict to Normal person by following process)

5.5. Adult Socialization

5.5.1. Live and learn as per role in society

5.6. Developmental

5.6.1. Acquire Skill(e.g: shy--> Active Person , Participating in seminar)