by Mr L Bohni

1. Some of the stars die with a great explosion called a super nova
2. The steady state theory was proven wrong because the universe is constantly expanding.
3. Brown dwarfs/red dwarfs/yellow/blue giant/red giant
3.1. blue are short live as they burn their fuel up quickly
4. the first mission to Venus was in 1962, it did a fly by and measured tempratures
5. What sound waves are and how to figure out wavelength and frequency.
6. Stars appear different colours based on size and energy
7. Solar system
7.1. Each planet has their moons and they are not necessarily close to them
8. Stars
8.1. some stars are...
8.2. Some stars are red
8.3. Stars go through a main sequence stage
8.4. Stars cango through a variety of changes
9. theories - steady state - big bang
9.1. theories: steady state big bang
10. B = 1
10.1. Mr Bohni's Constant
11. Aliens
11.1. We communicate with aliens with signs and symbols on probes.
11.2. We've sent pictures of where our solar system is from the closest quazars...
12. I learnt that there are signs of previous life on Mars.
12.1. I learnt what the conditons on other planets are like.
13. The Russians don't like Venus very much.
14. Dark Energy
14.1. most of the universe
14.2. driving expansion to go faster
15. Space crafts
15.1. Sputnick - 1956
15.1.1. Sputnick 2 1957 - this space craft had a dog on it!