Online, Blended, and Flipped Learning Environments

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Online, Blended, and Flipped Learning Environments by Mind Map: Online, Blended, and Flipped Learning Environments

1. Blended Learning Environments

1.1. Face-to-face and online instruction

1.1.1. Enhances student engagement

1.1.2. Supports diverse learning styles

1.2. Flex model

1.2.1. Teacher as facilitator

1.2.2. Primarily online learning

2. Flipped Learning Environments

2.1. Technology integration

2.2. In-class active learning

3. Online Learning Environments

3.1. Synchronous learning

3.1.1. Real-time collaboration

3.1.2. Live video conferencing

3.2. Learning management systems (LMS)

3.2.1. Student progress tracking

3.2.2. Course organization and structure

3.3. Asynchronous learning

3.3.1. Self-paced learning

3.3.2. Online assignments and quizzes

3.3.3. Recorded video lectures