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School by Mind Map: School

1. High School

1.1. Grades

1.1.1. Grading system changed to nine point scale

1.2. Classes

1.2.1. Differently named

1.3. Social Stuff

1.3.1. Friends

1.4. Clubs

1.4.1. Number of clubs

1.5. Sports

1.5.1. Number and seriousness

1.6. Interim

1.6.1. How it is more broad

2. Middle School

2.1. Grades

2.1.1. Kind of similar to high school

2.2. Classes

2.2.1. Differently Named

2.3. Social Stuff

2.3.1. Friends

2.3.2. Relationship with parents

2.3.3. Relationship with teachers

2.4. Clubs

2.4.1. Officer positions don't exist

2.5. Sports

2.5.1. Not as serious

2.6. CWW

2.6.1. Only one place all the time over and over again.