Understanding Plants

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Understanding Plants by Mind Map: Understanding Plants

1. Characteristics of Plants

1.1. Grow

1.2. Reproduce

1.3. Excrete

1.4. Move

1.5. Breathe

2. What is a Plant?

2.1. Plants are living things

3. Parts of a Plant

3.1. Flowers

3.2. Roots

3.3. Fruits

3.4. Bud

3.5. Stems

3.6. Leaves

4. What do Plants Need to Grow?

4.1. Sunlight

4.2. Air

4.3. Soil

4.4. Water

5. Types of Plants

5.1. Flowering Plants

5.2. Non Flowering Plants

6. How do Plants help us.

6.1. Oxygen

6.2. Clothing

6.3. Shelther

6.4. Food