Theories of Adult Learning

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Theories of Adult Learning by Mind Map: Theories of Adult Learning

1. mental processes

1.1. Cognitivism

1.1.1. focuses on how the mind processes information (memory, schema, problem-solving)

1.2. Constructivism

1.2.1. emphasizes active learning and building on prior experiences

2. self-actualization and personal growth

2.1. Humanism

2.1.1. learner’s internal motivation

2.2. Andragogy

2.2.1. Self-concept, Experience, Readiness to learn

2.3. Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

2.3.1. Learner Control, Goal-Oriented, Continuous Learning

3. learning through interaction and environment

3.1. Behaviorism

3.1.1. deals with external stimuli and conditioning

3.2. Social Cognitive Theory

3.2.1. emphasizes observation, modeling, and social interactions

4. Embodied, Spiritual, and Narrative Learning

4.1. Embodied Learning

4.1.1. The integration of the body in the learning process, recognizing learning as physical, emotional, and immediate

4.2. Spiritual Learning

4.2.1. Integrates mindfulness, meditation, and narrative as reflective practices

4.3. Narrative Learning

4.3.1. Connecting personal and collective experiences through storytelling to enhance learning

5. Eastern and Indigenous Perspectives on Learning

5.1. Holistic and Collective Learning

5.1.1. Focuses on interconnectedness rather than individualism

5.2. Medicine Wheel Framework

5.2.1. Adds spirituality to the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning

6. Adult Development

6.1. Biological: Changes in the body during the life span

6.2. Psychological: Focus on identity, moral, and intellectual development

6.3. Sociocultural: Emphasizes the influence of culture, race, gender, and historical context

6.4. Integrative: Combines internal and external factors

7. Intelligence and Aging

7.1. Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence

7.2. Neural Plasticity and Aging

7.3. Social Intelligence