Connect Text and Visuals

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Connect Text and Visuals by Mind Map: Connect Text and Visuals

1. Questions to ask

1.1. How do the illustrations support the text?

1.2. How does the art connect to what is happening in the story?

2. The Puddle Puzzle

2.1. In the illustration, Carlos is pointing at the detective agency.

2.1.1. Carlos wants to go to the detective agency.

2.2. In the illustration, Taylor has her hands out and she is smiling.

2.2.1. Taylor is happy and excited!

2.3. In the illustration, there is a bubble showing Adriana and Carlos jumping in a puddle and looking happy!

2.3.1. Adriana and Carlos having fun with the puddle.

2.4. In the illustration, Taylor and Brandon are leaning towards Adriana and Carlos.

2.4.1. Taylor and Brandon are listening to the other two kids tell their story.

2.5. In the story, Brandon is trying to tell the others about what he thinks happened to the puddle, but no one is listening to him.

2.5.1. In the illustration, Adriana IS listening to Brandon but Carlos and Taylor are NOT listening to him. We know this because their bodies are facing away from Brandon and they are NOT making eye contact.

2.6. In the illustration, all three of the other kids are looking at Brandon.

2.6.1. They are all listening to Brandon tell about what he thinks happened to the puddle.