Motorola Droid

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Motorola Droid by Mind Map: Motorola Droid

1. What I want

1.1. One device, because I have only one pocket

1.2. Good phone support

1.3. Better twitter and gmail clients

1.4. Better maps with an un-crippled GPS

1.5. At least 16GB for music, 32 GB would be better

1.6. Something like InstaPaper

1.7. A platform that actually has apps

1.8. Fast internet and a reasonably good web browser

1.9. An app for reading books

1.10. A device that feels and looks good (yeah, I know)

1.11. A reasonably good MP3 player that can sort through 10s of GB of MP3s

2. What's servicable

2.1. Paperdroid and Read It later for Instapaper

2.2. Twidroid for Twitter

2.3. The browser

2.4. The media player

2.5. The battery life

2.6. The industrial design

2.7. The developer tools

2.7.1. Java and the lack of Interface Builder are sad

2.7.2. The android architecture is actually pretty rad

3. What sucks

3.1. The number and quality of the apps

3.2. The camera and its hatred of focus

3.3. DoubleTwist and syncing music

3.4. The lack of momentum

4. What I use

4.1. Music via iPod touch

4.2. Gmail via Curve

4.3. Phone to make calls

4.4. Quite a few text messages

4.5. Instapaper for much of my Internet reading

4.6. Remote via iPod touch

4.7. Twitter via UltraTwitter

4.8. Camera via Curve for Momentile

4.9. Sadly broken Google Maps via Curve

4.10. Kindle app for books, switching to B&N app

4.11. Amazon app for Curve

5. What's awesome

5.1. Google apps support

5.2. The shade

5.3. The highly integrated search, including voice search

5.4. The very fast network

5.5. The real keyboard

5.6. The GPS and maps

5.7. The speed of the phone

5.8. The Mashup architecture

5.9. The hackabaility

5.9.1. There's the android script environment!

5.10. Upgradable memory and a chargable battery

5.11. The amazon app with its "take a picture and I'll return a price."

5.12. That you can just drag MP3s on to the phone and listen to them

5.13. Mutlitasking, background sync and background GPS activity

5.13.1. Locale is an awesome idea

5.13.2. Remember the Milk's Geo-locatable functionality is amazing

5.14. Better cost basis for me

5.15. The way the "intents" system ends up working

5.16. The history manager/universal back button