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Motivation by Mind Map: Motivation

1. Maslow needpyramid in supervising staffs

1.1. Salary + Stable employment

1.2. Benefits/Pension/Safe work environment/Fair work practices

1.3. Cooperation on job

1.4. Job titles/ nice work space/ Pretigious job assignments

1.5. Workplace autonomy/ challenging work/expert status

2. 4 development stages of staffs

2.1. Directing

2.2. Coaching

2.3. Supporting

2.4. Delegating

3. 2-factor theory

3.1. Hygiene/Maintenance : Surroundin the job

3.1.1. Income

3.1.2. Supervision

3.1.3. Job security

3.2. Motivation directly to the job

3.2.1. Meaningful work

3.2.2. Feelings

3.2.3. Increasing responsibilities

3.2.4. Opportunities for growth and development

4. ABC


4.2. Behavior: how ur staff behave after being activated

4.3. Consequence: Show ur response - staff behaviors

5. MBO Management By Objectives

6. Defination

6.1. Needs,desires,wants

6.2. The process - stimulating people to actions - achieve the goals

7. Motivation - Motive

7.1. Motivation : Inside + Individual

7.2. Motive : Outside + External

8. Factors RESPECT

8.1. Recognition

8.2. Empowerment

8.3. Supportive feedbacks

8.4. Partnering

8.5. Expectations

8.6. Consideration

8.7. Trust

9. 1-minute managemnt

9.1. 1-minute goals

9.1.1. agree on goals

9.1.2. clarify all goals

9.1.3. Write each goals concise on seperate paper (read easily in 1min)

9.1.4. Make 2 copies

9.1.5. Take 1 min every day to check performance

9.2. 1-minute reprimands

9.2.1. Inform in advance

9.2.2. Do 1-min reprimand Reprimand immediately Be specific Emphasize how bad u feel Stop to let them feel how bad u feel Remind - how highly u appriciate them Not appreciate their performance in this situation Show support - with physical contact Be specfic

9.2.3. Never repeat that mistakes

9.3. 1-minute praIsing

9.3.1. Inform staff in advance

9.3.2. Praise immediately

9.3.3. Be specific

9.3.4. Empasize how good

9.3.5. Stop to let them feel how gou good u feel

9.3.6. Encourage - do more

9.3.7. Show ur support - physical contact

10. Acquired needs theory

10.1. Achievement

10.2. Power

10.3. Affiliation

11. Corporate culture

11.1. Def: The pattern beliefs, values - give a meaning - other members ; Provide - the behavior rules

11.2. Vision : where they want to get

11.3. Mission further clarify vision

11.4. Value: set of guildlines on behaviors/mindsets

11.5. Practices

11.6. People direct them to V M Vs

11.7. Place

11.8. Story unique - organisation - feel pround n motivated