Eden Project Trip

Eden Project SAGED risk assessment example

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Eden Project Trip by Mind Map: Eden Project Trip

1. Group

1.1. Student Medical Requirements

1.2. Student disabilities that could affect mobility on the trip?

1.3. Student Behavioural Requirements

1.4. Are we splitting students into smaller groups?

2. Staff

2.1. Which Staff are going?

2.2. Staff Experience

2.3. Which staff are looking after which sttudent groups?

2.4. No Specific adventurous activities that require specialist staff?

3. Distance

3.1. Coach Travel requirements

3.2. Coach Stop?

3.3. Supervision on Coach?

3.4. Contact with School in Emergency?

3.5. What time do all students and staff meet?

4. Activity

4.1. Specific Activities on the Trip?

4.1.1. Tropical Zone Dome

4.1.2. Activity 2

4.1.3. Activity 3

4.2. Clothing requirements for activities

4.3. Equipment requirements for activities

5. Environment

5.1. Managed attraction open to the general public

5.2. Inside and Outdoor activities