“DESERTS – the global powerhouse of the future?”
by Mathieu van der Wal

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1.1. Live mapping start map
1.2. Overview of all talks
2. global collaboration is needed
3. desert
3.1. can protect us
3.2. can help us
3.3. a start has been made
4. time is over
4.1. that 1 nation can benefit of others
5. make impossible possible
5.1. New node
6. other
6.1. wind
6.2. water
7. we can make it work
8. how much power do you need
9. now
9.1. 12 solar collectors
9.2. 12000 megawatt
9.3. it takes 6 hrs
9.3.1. to prove 1 year energy consumption
9.3.2. 1% of useful desert
9.3.3. power brought by a HVDC supergrid
9.3.4. New node
9.4. generatie solarpower
9.4.1. generate heat (store)
9.4.2. day & night solar power
9.4.3. cooling evaporate water recondse it in fresh water
9.5. technologies
9.5.1. make use of different techniques
9.5.2. desert power
10. Dr. Gerhard Knies
10.1. President DESERTEC
11. climate change
11.1. Western World use lots of energy compared to rest of world
11.2. africa asia and autralia should work together
11.3. make clever aliances
11.4. lower initiation costs
11.5. New node
12. new security guideline
13. how to implement
13.1. financial support
13.2. New node
14. collision course with earth
14.1. embrasse this treath
15. president DESERTEC
15.1. global powerhouse of the future
16. people grow together
16.1. global change
16.2. important driver
17. Desert
17.1. global powerhouse
17.2. breakthrough
17.2.1. power
17.2.2. energy
18. energy is important
18.1. limit popilation growth
18.2. make more water
18.3. need more food
18.4. irrigate land
18.5. climate stability
18.6. global justice
18.7. civilization
18.7.1. limiting for pop growth