"Love in Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet"
by Raphaela Brandner

1. Love and dramatic conflicts
1.1. Content
1.1.1. Family feud
1.1.2. The star-crossed lovers
1.1.3. Foreshadowing
1.2. Secondary literature
1.3. Example passages from the text
2. The comedy of love
2.1. Notes
2.2. Secondary literature
2.3. Example passages from the text
3. Love and death
3.1. Content
3.1.1. Desire triumphs over death
3.1.2. Sex and death
3.2. Secondary literature
3.3. Example passages from the text
4. Conclusion
4.1. Restate thesis statement
4.2. Conclude
4.3. Clincher
5. Introduction
5.1. Thesis statement
5.2. Roadmap
5.3. Claim
6. Shakespeare's age
6.1. Content
6.1.1. Love
6.1.2. Gender
6.1.3. Family
6.2. Sources
7. Love in Romeo and Juliet
7.1. Example passages from the text
7.2. Secondary literature
7.3. Content
7.3.1. Romantic love
7.3.2. Symbols, themes
7.3.3. Other kinds of love