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Biomimicry by Mind Map: Biomimicry

1. taste

1.1. Blowfly has taste buds in his feet.

1.2. Fruitflies sensory system detect CO2 due to special nuerons.

1.3. The fins of sea robins are tasting by touch.

2. Hearing

2.1. The antenna of a fruit fly is used for selective hearing because of its multipart swivel structure

2.2. Lungs of the fire bellied toad allow them to hear.

2.3. A parasitic fly's eardrums provide directional hearing.

3. Touch

3.1. Plant growth is responsive to touch.

3.2. Bill skin of a platypus detects touch and stimulation

4. Sight

4.1. A moth eye inspired technology for solar panels has been developed to reduce reflection on panels.

4.2. A synthetic Cornea now mimics a real one.

5. Red droplets in the eye of Kingfishes allows visibility in glare or water.