Why Phenibut

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Why Phenibut by Mind Map: Why Phenibut

1. Russian Nootropics

1.1. Noopept

1.2. Phenibut

2. Addiction

2.1. Phenibut Withdrawal - A Novel 'Nutritional Supplement'

2.1.1. Psychomotor agitation

2.1.2. Psychomotor agitation

2.1.3. Nervousness and shakiness

2.1.4. Poor appetite

2.1.5. Feeling easily annoyed and irritated

2.1.6. Fatigue

2.1.7. Heart pounding

2.1.8. Nausea

2.1.9. Insomnia

3. Cofactors

3.1. Vitamin B6

4. Anxiolytic

4.1. Phenibut: a tranquilizer and nootropic drug.

4.2. On neurotransmitter mechanisms of reinforcement and internal inhibition.

4.3. Differences and similarity in the interaction of fenibut, baclofen and diazepam with phenylethylamine

5. Sleep

5.1. Fenibut and its citrate prevent psychoneurological disorders caused by chronic stress (paradoxical sleep deprivation)

5.2. Effect of fenibut on the nocturnal sleep of patients with the alcoholic abstinence syndrome

5.3. Lucid Dreaming

6. Dosage

6.1. Low

6.1.1. 500 Milligrams

6.2. High

6.2.1. 1500 Milligrams

6.3. Extreme

6.3.1. 3000 Milligrams