Learning Theories & Education

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Learning Theories & Education by Mind Map: Learning Theories & Education

1. Constructivism

1.1. Constructing own's knowledge from one's own experiences

1.2. Different emphasis : active learning, discovery learning, knowledge building etc.

1.3. To facilitate individual learner to construct their own knowledge by engaging actively with their experiences

2. Reflection

2.1. Learning occur changes in behaviour and thinking

2.2. What is the impact of educational technology/IT on individual learning??

3. Behaviourism

3.1. B F Skinner

3.2. Classical Conditioning & operant conditioning

3.3. Direct instruction

3.4. Behaviour analysis

3.5. Individual learner is controlled by environment

4. Cognitivism

4.1. Bode, a gestalt Psychologist

4.2. Processing information

4.3. brain-based learning(short-term learning and long-term learning)

4.4. Individual learner controls over the learning activity