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1. International

1.1. Policy

1.1.1. FAO FAO Monitoring food loss and waste essential to hunger fight (2013) FAO Food losses & food waste (2011) FAO Q&A on foodwaste and losses FAO, UNDP, IMECHE, The world's food & wastage in numbers FAO Food wastage foodprint (2013) FAO president in press release CFS - HLPE Consultation Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems (2013) HLPE - Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems (2014) FAO Save Food Infographics on food loss and waste reduction (2015)

1.1.2. World Bank World Bank Stemming post-harvest waste crucial to African food security (2011) World Bank Live chat 'How much food do you waste' (2014) World Bank Food Price Watch World Bank president in media World Bank Live chat 'How much food do you waste' (2014)

1.1.3. UNRIC Interview met Isabelle Denis from the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels (2013)

1.1.4. UNCTAD Trade & Environment Review (2013)

1.1.5. World Resources Institute Reducing Food Loss and Waste (2013)

1.1.6. World Resources Institute By the Numbers: Reducing Food Loss and Waste (2013)

1.1.7. US Government Reducing Food Waste for Businesses (2013)

1.1.8. Global Donor Platform for Rural Development Postharvest losses and food waste (2014)

1.1.9. Rockefeller foundation

1.1.10. UN Zero Hunger Challenge

1.2. Business

1.2.1. Commercial Food Waste Recycling Waste Food Waste Recycling (2011)

1.2.2. Action 2020 on food waste

1.2.3. Global Green Growth Forum

1.3. Multi-stakeholder

1.3.1. FAO/ UNEP/ Messe/ Interpac Save Food Initiative (2013)

1.3.2. Think.Eat.Save International Campaign against food waste (2013)

1.3.3. African post harvest losses information system A transnational network of cereal grain experts (2014)

1.3.4. IFDC Food waste Inpfographic

1.4. Civil society

1.4.1. Afronline Food Waste (2014)

1.4.2. 21 Inspiring Initiatives Working to Reduce Food Waste Around the World (2013)

1.5. Science

1.5.1. Center for Strategic and International Studies  (USA) Save Food (2013)

1.5.2. Ensia (USA) The rotten world of food waste (2013)

1.5.3. Imeche Global Food. Waste Not, Want Not (2013)

1.5.4. IFPRI A Changing Global Harvest (2012)

1.5.5. Sustainable Food Service Food Waste (2014)

1.5.6. International Development Research Center Postharvest Losses in Africa (2013)

1.5.7. Natural Resources Defense Council How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill (2012)

1.5.8. CGIAR Postharvest loss reduction – a significant focus of CGIAR research (2013)

1.5.9. International Conference on post harvest losses

1.5.10. World Food Preservation Centre Global partnership to reduce food waste

2. European

2.1. Policy

2.1.1. EU working group on food waste Stop Food Waste (2012)

2.1.2. EU Report how to avoid food wastage: strategies for a more efficient food chain in the EU (2011) 

2.1.3. European Parliament Resolution on how to avoid food wastage (2012)

2.1.4. BMELV (DU) Information campaign "Strategies against food waste" (2013)

2.1.5. EU Vleva Food waste? No thanks! EU policy perspective and strategies of member states (2013)

2.1.6. European Commission:  Management of construction and demolition waste in the EU (2009)

2.1.7. EU Waste prevention guidelines (2014)

2.1.8. Flemmish Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Food waste? No thanks! EU policy perspective and strategies of member states (2013)

2.1.9. UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Reducing and managing waste (2014)

2.1.10. Food Waste Conference 'No opportunity wasted' (2014)

2.1.11. German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Information campaign "Strategies against food waste" (2014)

2.1.12. ADEME Waste reduction in France (2012)

2.1.13. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Reducing and managing waste (2014)

2.1.14. All-Party Parliamentary Group Seminar Series on Post-Harvest Management Food Waste: from field to fork (2013)

2.1.15. Fusions Definitional Framework for Food Waste (2014)

2.2. Business

2.2.1. IGD Research and training charity Food waste (2013)

2.2.2. Greencook Europees project van horeca om voedselverspilling te verminderen (2012) 

2.2.3. Euro Coop Contribution to the debate on food waste (2013)

2.3. Multi-stakeholder

2.3.1. Fusions Platform for reducing food waste (2013)

2.3.2. D+C Development and Cooperation (GER) Loss and Waste (2013)

2.4. Civil society

2.4.1. Food Tank Feeding the 5000 Wages War on the ‘Global Food Waste Scandal’ (2014)

2.4.2. Tristam Stuart TED talk The Global Food Waste Scandal (2012)

2.4.3. See also the Tristam Stuart website

2.4.4. The Guardian Global food waste campaigns suffer from data deficiency (2013)

2.4.5. The Guardian A third of the world's food is wasted – how can we stop the rot? (2013)

2.5. Science

2.5.1. WRAP Waste Reduction (2014)

2.5.2. Tim Lang (City University) Food waste is the symptom, not the problem (2013)

2.5.3. The Royal Society Food waste within food supply chains (2010)

3. Dutch

3.1. Policy

3.1.1. Ministry of Economic Affairs Voedselverspilling (2014)

3.1.2. Ministry of Economic Affairs Kamerbrief internationaal landbouwbeleid (2014)

3.1.3. Buck Consultants International Informatiebijeenkomst groente- en fruitketens in opkomende landen (2013)

3.1.4. Ministry of EZ Beleidsbrief duurzame voedselproductie 2013

3.1.5. Ministry of EZ Kamerbrief over toekomst Agrologistiek

3.2. Business

3.2.1. Agro & Co Stop verspilling in de voedselketen/Alliantie verduurzaming voedsel

3.2.2. Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Industrie Voedselverspilling

3.2.3. DSM Food Waste Reduction

3.2.4. LTO Voedselverspilling serieus vraagstuk (2013)

3.2.5. Unilever food solutions bestrijdt voedselverspilling in de horeca

3.2.6. TI food and nutrition - food waste 

3.2.7. Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelen

3.2.8. Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel

3.2.9. Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelen Voedselverspilling

3.2.10. Albert Heijn Voedselverspilling

3.2.11. BoP Innovation Center Small scale cold storage for dairy products in Ethiopia

3.2.12. BoP Innovation Center Flexible cold chains for fresh vegetables

3.2.13. Dutch Agricultural Development & Trading Company Mobile cassava processing unit

3.2.14. Ujuizi ICT company Cheetah

3.3. Multi-stakeholder

3.3.1. No waste network Voedselverspilling tegengaan

3.3.2. Damn Food Waste (Campagne tegen voeselverspilling door NCDO, Voedingscentrum, WUR, YFM, N&M & Feeding the 5K)

3.3.3. Food First Voedselverliezen in de keten (2014)

3.3.4. Voedselverspilling Verspilling van voedsel voorkomen

3.3.5. Wereldvoedseldag 2010 thema voedselverspilling

3.4. Civil society

3.4.1. Kromkommer Voedselverspilling

3.4.2. Voedselmarkt Online marktplaats tegen verspilling

3.5. Science

3.5.1. Wageningen UR Voedselverspilling (2013)

3.5.2. Wageningen UR Course lost harvest and wasted food

3.5.3. T. Timmermans Je staat niet allleen in je gevecht tegen voedselverspilling (2013)

3.5.4. Network of Excellence postharvest losses (The network aims to carry out a feasibility study for the development of a virtual Network  of Excellence where stakeholders can improve their present chain performance in order to reduce postharvest waste and losses.)

3.5.5. See also: Wageningen Publication details

3.5.6. LEI Voedselverspilling (2013)

3.5.7. Wageningen UR What would be the socio-economic impact of a reduction in food waste? (2013)

3.5.8. Wageningen UR Tackle global post-harvest losses (2014)

3.5.9. LEI Voedselverspilling tegengaan? (2013)

3.5.10. LEI Voedselverspilling en voedselzekerheid: wat weten we er nu eigenlijk van?

3.5.11. LEI Verspilling is erg, vlees eten is erger (2014)

3.5.12. M. Rutten What economic theory tells us about the impacts of reducing food losses and/or waste (2013)

3.5.13. M. Rutten & A. Kavallari Can reductions in agricultural food losses avoid some of the trade-offs involved when safeguarding domestic food security? (2013)

3.5.14. University of Twente Crowdsourcing app fights food loss in Africa (2013)