1. GeoMetrie
1.1. chi en prana
1.2. prana
2. manifesteren
2.1. sacred triangle
2.2. iedereen kreactief
2.3. secret
3. solfeggio and chakras
3.1. 9 tonen
3.2. alle tonen
3.3. unblock chakras
3.3.1. mandala chakras
3.4. solfeggio
4. 5 Throat
4.1. 741 octahedr
4.2. bewuster-ZIJN
4.3. ge-WET-en
5. 6 Third Eye
5.1. 852 ether
5.2. my intuitive mind
5.2.1. intuition
5.2.2. institute for i.i.
5.2.3. about intuition
5.2.4. what is intuition
5.2.5. intuitive intelligence
5.2.6. mastering intuitive thinking
5.2.7. beyond thinking
5.2.8. intuitie test
5.2.9. on intuition
5.2.10. 8 stappen
5.3. verlichting
5.3.1. caduceus
5.3.2. zelfbewust
5.3.3. kundalini kundalini kundalini
6. 7 Crown
6.1. 963
6.2. unariun wisdom
6.3. 7even Zinnen
6.4. akasha
6.4.1. bardo
6.4.2. book of dead bardo
6.4.3. akashaervaring
6.4.4. vorigelevens
6.4.5. akasha
6.4.6. inloggen
6.4.7. thodol
6.4.8. you-tube
7. chakras
7.1. & consciousness
7.1.1. stages
7.1.2. sacraments
7.1.3. gateways
7.1.4. 7 layers
7.2. chakras and meanings
7.3. understanding chakras
7.4. chakras and dimensions
7.5. healing and platonic solids
7.6. chakras and directions
7.7. anatomy of the spirit
7.8. mystical dimensions
7.9. mystical dimensions
7.10. mystical dimensions
7.11. wheels of life
7.12. chakras
8. anatomy of the spirit
8.1. anatomy 2
8.2. anatomy 3
8.3. anatomy 4
8.4. anatomy 0
9. kleurenpunctuur
10. labyrint
10.1. labyrint
10.2. tekenen
10.3. werveltrap
10.4. zwart op wit
10.5. society
10.6. therapy
10.7. ik ben
11. out of the box
12. becoming borealis
13. wholeminded
14. shift frequencies
15. test je talent
16. nu
16.1. 2012
17. 3 solar plexus
17.1. 528 vuur
17.2. natuur
17.2.1. vortex
17.2.2. plantaardig
17.2.3. herbarium
17.2.4. biomimicry
17.2.5. universe
17.2.6. spin
17.3. gezond
17.3.1. maken
17.3.2. water
18. 2 Sacral
18.1. 417 water
18.2. geometrie
18.2.1. gouden ratio
18.2.2. cymatics
18.2.3. spiraal
18.2.4. vortex
18.2.5. ratio
19. 1 Root
19.1. 396 aarde
19.2. energie
19.2.1. phi
19.2.2. aesthetic blueprint
20. 4 Heart
20.1. 639
20.2. ge-LOVE-n
20.2.1. your-mindset
20.2.2. global coherence initiative
20.2.3. liefde als antwoord op de tijd
20.2.4. mind and heart, left and right brain
20.2.5. biologie van de overtuiging
20.2.6. time waver
20.3. en zo
20.3.1. in tune
20.3.2. intunewithuniverse
20.3.3. open your heart with 528
20.3.4. how to raise your frequenciy
20.3.5. mind your heart