1. Research Outline
1.1. Research Aims & Objectives
1.1.1. Syllogism Decision making skills are a central competence in organisational management. Organisational management has been reduced in the public sector [during the age of austerity] Conclusion: Decision making skills have been reduced in the public sector [during the age of austerity].
1.1.2. Broad aim: To confirm conclusion as stated in syllogism
1.1.3. To have established that shifting operational contexts brings uncertainty to organisational actors. Objectives:
1.1.4. To have establish that the operating context has shifted markedly during the age of austerity. Objectives:
1.1.5. To have established whether or not organisations have reduced their decision making capacity as a result of savings at the management levels. Objectives:
1.1.6. To have established that there is an acceptance the decision making is a key management skill
1.2. Research Questions
1.3. Research Methodology
1.3.1. Mixed Methods
1.3.2. Which order?