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Globalization by Mind Map: Globalization

1. The Triple Convergence

1.1. India, China, and Soviets began to compete in the world.

1.2. Globilization 3.0 began in the 1990's starting the new era.

2. US and the Flat world

2.1. Free Trade

2.1.1. India and China are the leading competetors in the free trade market.

2.1.2. Produce workers who can create idea based products.

3. The Right Stuff

3.1. Right Brain

3.1.1. We American's need to use the right side of the brain (the more creative side) to stay ahead.

3.2. Tubas and Test Tubes

3.2.1. Jobs are looking for more collaberators, also meaning more rounded.

3.3. Right Country

3.3.1. We have what it takes to thrive in a globalized world if we just try and apply what we have.

3.4. Navigation

3.4.1. We need to navigate the internet better so that we can do good in a globalized race.

3.5. CQ+PG>IQ

3.5.1. Curiousity and passion are greater than Intellegance.

3.6. Liberal Arts

3.6.1. People need to be more well rounded and we educated in a little bit of everything.

3.7. Learn How to Learn

3.7.1. People need to learn new ways to do things and replace the old things.

4. Compassionate Flatism

4.1. Leadership

4.2. Muscles

4.3. Cushioning

4.4. Social Activitism

4.5. Parenting

5. How companies cope

5.1. Rule #1. When the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you.

5.2. Rule #2. Because we are in a world where whatever can be done, will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination.

5.3. Rule #3. One way small companies flourish in the flat world is by learning to act really big.

6. Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention

6.1. The theory is that with so many countries being globalized, we won't have any wars. This is because of the fact that many countries rely on one another certain resources to make their goods. If the country that supplies them with certain resources were to get in a war with them, they would not be able to get their resources to continue producing the goods.

7. Eras

7.1. 1.0

7.1.1. 1492-1800 The key players here were the countries.

7.2. 2.0

7.2.1. 1800-2000 The key players here were the companies.

7.3. 3.0

7.3.1. 2000-current The Key players here were the individuals who ran the companies and the workers.

8. The Great Sorting Out

8.1. India v Indiana

8.1.1. The sorting out between who is exploiting whom. In the old world value was created vertically, easily seeing who was at the top and who was at the bottom. As the world flattens out value is created horizontally where individuals have more power.

8.2. Where do companies start and stop?

8.2.1. Companies no longer are strictly "American" they have many companies in a variety of countries. Deciding where their headquarters is located is becoming more complicated as they begin to expanding and outsourcing.

8.3. From command and control to collaborate and connect

8.3.1. Technology is eliminating the position of secretary and aide. Boss' are able to do their job along with multiple other ones thanks to PDA's and search engines like Google.

8.4. Multiple Identity Disorder

8.4.1. People need to choose which they prefer, lower costs but a lack of benefits or slightly higher prices with better benefits.

8.5. Who owns what?

8.5.1. Property rights to uploaded/downloaded videos, music and photographs are being misunderstood between the producers and consumers.

8.6. Death of a salesman

8.6.1. The salesman is being eliminated by automated calls with computerized voices.

9. The Quiet Crisis

9.1. The numbers gap

9.1.1. Without the motivation to go into a science or math career the retiring scientists are not being replaced fast enough.

9.2. Education Top

9.2.1. We are not educating or interesting enough of the young people in advanced math, science and engineering.

9.3. Education Bottom

9.3.1. America's school system is very unorganized where standards vary one district to the next. Some districts have the most advanced technology while others are lacking.

9.4. Ambition Gap

9.4.1. Many students don't have the motivation and are too concerned about their social life over their school work. There's no ambition because Americans think they are the best qualified for high-paying jobs.

9.5. Funding Gap

9.5.1. Funds are being cut from the National Science Foundation as well as the funds for education. This money instead is being wasted on highway projects.

9.6. Infrastructure Gap

9.6.1. The United States is falling behind in broadband Internet usage as well as mobile-phone-based internet usage.

10. New Middle Class

10.1. Collaborators and Orchestrators

10.1.1. Having people skills in the work force is very important.

10.2. Synthesizers

10.2.1. Taking two unlike things and bringing them together to make a new product or idea which helps both producers and consumers.

10.3. Explainers

10.3.1. Helping people to understand complicated ideas.

10.4. Leveragers

10.4.1. Identify problems in the work force immediately.

10.5. Adapters

10.5.1. Adapting to the new flat world and preparing ourselves for what is to come.

10.6. Green People

10.6.1. Creating new reusable energy sources.

10.7. Passionate Personalizers

10.7.1. Taking a business and adding your own personal touch to it, so that people will choose your company over the next one.

10.8. Math Lovers

10.8.1. Math is a growing profession which will become more and more important in the future

10.9. Localizers

10.9.1. Local small and medium size businesses affect a town based on the number of jobs its supplying. If the business is doing poorly, they don't offer as many jobs.

11. Causes of Globalization

11.1. Internet

11.1.1. People are becoming so dependent on new technology.

11.2. Uploading

11.2.1. This is giving the general public the ability to collaborate, participate, and share with each other around the world.

11.3. Supply Chains

11.3.1. This is the networking of wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers and distributors who deliver finished goods and services to consumers.

11.4. Fall of Berlin Wall

11.4.1. Broke down walls and opened new trade, China and India entered global economy. Exchange of digitial information increased. Tipped balance of power across the world.

11.5. Outsourcing

11.5.1. Americans are losing their jobs because parts of companies are being shipped overseas for cheaper labor.

11.6. Informing

11.6.1. This can be used to give facts, information, and details to someone in a matter of seconds.

11.7. Work Flow software

11.7.1. Innovations in Work Flow Software enabled people to connect with other people as never before.

11.8. Steroids

11.8.1. The "Steroids" can be described as the new technologies that are reinnovated, remodeled, and remade every year that enable internet use anywhere, anytime in the world.

11.9. Offshoring

11.9.1. A company will move it's entire business to another country where they take advantage of low-cost and high-quality work.

11.10. Insourcing

11.10.1. The middle man is being cut out to make companies more efficient and consumers happier.

12. The Unflat World

12.1. There are four reasons why countries dont flatten.

12.1.1. Too Sick

12.1.2. Too Frustrated

12.1.3. Too few resources

12.1.4. Too disempowered