Simple Food Delivery Site
by malvin Anthony
1. Admin Privileges
1.1. You will be able to update the number of items we have every day available (for example, 20 burritos, etc)
1.2. You will be able to add, modify, sort, delete items on our menu on the home page
1.3. You will be able to keep track of the zip codes that you service zip in the admin section
1.3.1. If customer orders from zip “12345”, and you allow “12345” in the admin section, it will allow the customer to order
1.3.2. If customer orders from zip “12341” and you don’t include this zip in the admin section, it will not allow the customer to order
1.4. You will be able to do modifications or cancellations of the already purchased items manually on your side
1.5. If customer makes an order under a certain amount, you will be able to include the delivery fee
2. Customer Privileges
2.1. Customer can creates a simple account after they pick their item and pay with card online via PayPal or any other Payment gateway that we would integrate.
2.2. Customer will select on the item they want, they will select how many of that item they want
2.3. Customer can select for example, one lunch item and one snack item
2.4. Customers will be able to easily order the items on their cell phones
3. One page website
3.1. Home page will have all the information including the contact form
3.2. Website needs to have a simple, clean, attractive design
3.3. Modern flow, easy registration process, etc
3.4. We would design an attractive Logo for the website
4. Home Page Functionalities
4.1. Home page will have all the information including the contact form
4.2. On the home page, there would a list of items you deliver (the list would look like a menu at a restaurant/fast food place)
4.3. Items are - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Beverages (each group will have only about 3)
4.4. Each item will have a short description without the picture of the item
4.5. Each item would show how many items you have left with.