E-commerce technologies

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E-commerce technologies by Mind Map: E-commerce technologies

1. Web server, browser and server software

1.1. Web browser applications are used to retrieve information resources from the web and this information is changed so that the user can view it in the browser. internet browsers render pages so that it can be viewed, the browser take key words from the search and it will then display sources that relate to that keyword. Server software is any type of server based programs that allow you to run a server from your computer e.g. CuteFTPare.

2. Technologies used in E-commerce

3. programming languages used

3.1. there are many programming languages used these include HTML this is a standard programming language to create web pages, XHTML this is a an extended version of HTML, PHP this is a server side scripting language which is used for website development, ASP this is a Microsoft first server side scripting for dynamically generated web pages, JavaScript which is a dynamic computer programming language and it allows scripts to interact with the user

4. Web authoring software

4.1. a web authoring software allows you to use a software that can develop websites in a desktop format. it will use HTML coding for the layout of the web pages.

5. Database systems

5.1. Database systems are a series of programs combined so that they can store modify and extract information from any database

6. TCP/IP addresses

6.1. TCP stands for transmission control protocol, IP stands for internet protocol. TCP is the highest layer and assemble messages, IP is the lowest layer and manages the packets that are sent.

7. Ports and protocols

7.1. ports connect IP's and protocols together, ports are between the computer and the network, protocol is a standard of the way that the computers are linked, the OSI model is used e.g. the application layer protocol is HTTP.

8. Domain names

8.1. a domain name registrar that allows users to create websites, a domain name identifies 1 or more IP addresses. domain names are used in URLs to identify particular web pages, every domain names has a set suffix an example of this would be .com.

9. Download speeds

9.1. this is the performance of an internet connection, which is based on the number of bytes per second that travels from the users device to the internet

10. browsers and platforms

10.1. browsers are a software application used to locate and display the content on the world wide web, the browser is the client that runs on a computer that will contact the web sever and requests information. the platform is the hardware and software for a system, the platform defines a standard that once it is defined software can be developed that can run compatible with the platform

11. Risks when setting up a e-commerce website

12. How the risks can be overcome

13. Hacking

13.1. a hacker is someone who has the ability to gain unauthorized access to peoples computer systems to steal their personal data or if they want to corrupt data.

14. Viruses

14.1. a computer virus is a harmful program or code that runs against your wishes. Some viruses can replicate themselves and all computer viruses are man-made.

15. Identity theft

15.1. identity theft is where a criminal will use someone else's identity and they will most commonly use it for financial gain this could include applying for loans or using your money to buy a lot of products.

16. DDOS

16.1. DDOS is a type of DOS attack where multiple systems are used to target a single system which will cause a denial of system attack and all the multiple systems are controlled by a hacker .

17. strong passwords

17.1. A strong password will consist of six or more characters which will have to include a capital letter and a number, but you can use other symbols, the more characters the stronger the password

18. RSA certificates

18.1. this is an encryption method that protects any sort of data that is sent over the internet.


20. What is E-commerce

20.1. E-commerce is the exchange of goods over the internet through buying and selling.