Greg's Schools
by Renata Starostka
1. Sarfraz
1.1. Dangerous place needs school
1.2. Needs extrodinary person
1.3. Sarfraz met the standards
2. Taliban
2.1. Took over 2/3 of Afghanistan
2.2. Banned public activities
2.3. Took almost all women rights
3. Dirty Dozen
3.1. Gruff employees
3.2. Many religions
3.3. Protect Greg
4. Promises
4.1. Greg makes promises to build
4.2. First school promise: important
4.3. Afghanistan school promises:important
5. Sarfraz's Project
5.1. Earthquake proof schools needed
5.2. Went to China to see their ideas
5.3. Got $54,000 to start
5.4. Could withstand 8.2 earthquakes
6. Greg and Sarfraz
6.1. Share many items
6.2. Can finish sentences for each other
6.3. Sarfraz is almost always with Greg
7. 2005 Earthquake
7.1. October 8th killed many
7.2. Greg wanted to go but couldn't
7.3. Started with tent schools
7.4. Survivors had no food, water, or shelter
7.5. Sarfraz is tough but still cried
8. Barharak School
8.1. First school in Afghanistan
8.2. Very dangerous
8.3. Raised $900,000 to start