ECG - Junctional

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ECG - Junctional by Mind Map: ECG - Junctional

1. Normal Sinus

1.1. From SA Node

1.2. P wave before QRS

1.3. PR - 0.12 - 0.20

1.4. QRS - same shape and size - < 0.12

1.5. Rhythm = P-P & R-R; Regualr

1.6. Rate = 60 - 100 bpm

2. Premature Junctional Contraction

2.1. From AV Junction

2.2. P wave:

2.2.1. Inverted

2.2.2. Buried

2.2.3. Retrograde

3. Junctional Rhythm

3.1. P wave: inverted, buried or retrograde

3.2. Rate: 40 - 60 bpm

4. Junctional Bradycardia

4.1. P wave: inverted, buried or retrograde

4.2. Rate: < 40 bpm

5. Accelerated Junctional Rhythm

5.1. P wave: inverted, buried or retrograde

5.2. Rate: 61 - 100 bpm

6. Junctional Tachycardia

6.1. P wave: inverted, buried or retrograde

6.2. Rate: 101 - 150 bpm