1. Econmic
1.1. Cause or Reason: is that countries wanted the real raw materials from these smaller countries, which got them money, which then brought economic power by taking it from these countries from, selling this materials to bring economic growth, which gave them economic power.
1.1.1. Historical Example:England saw gold and diamonds and workers for companies, in South Africa which would bring England wealth, so England took over, or imperialism South Africa, through the Boer war in the 1800's, to take the economic gold and diamonds from South Afirca.
1.1.2. Perspective of Colonized: South Africa did not want to be taken over, but because of their resources they were, because of imperialism they lost their gold , land , and other wealth to Britain, and if they try to revolt they get killed.
2. Politcal
2.1. Cause or Reasons: when a country takes over another country they would go in control the land and then they would control to countries giving them more political power with more land.
2.1.1. Historical Example: When Europe took over Africa, in 1854 they held a meeting called the Berlin Conference that was basically a discussion on who get political from each land because the more land you have the more political power you have, so that how they decied who got what.
2.1.2. Perspective of Colonized: These people were not allowed in the conference and watch as they saw their land and political power be divided by Europe.
3. Social
3.1. Cause or Reasons: when a country controls another country then there way is right so they throw their original culture out window and forcefully spread their culture across the globe, giving them social power.
3.1.1. Historical Example: Social Darwinism, according to this theory if you were not a european nation that, you were lower class, a lower scale of culture, and your physical development is weak all because you are not from Europe, so Europe has to go in and save you by this theory.
3.1.2. Perspective of Colonized: The way that these people have know for their entire lives is being crushed because it is different from someone else, If they disagreed then they be killed, and it was hard for them to change , but they had no choice.