3) “How inventions and discoveries are used is not the concern of the scientist.” To what exte...

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3) “How inventions and discoveries are used is not the concern of the scientist.” To what extent do you agree? by Mind Map: 3)    “How inventions and discoveries are used is not the concern of the scientist.” To what extent do you agree?

1. Done By:

1.1. Alvin Neo

1.2. Benjamin Loh

1.3. Marcus Toh

1.4. Charlton Tan

1.5. Gea Chong Lim

2. Disagree

2.1. Being its original inventor or discoverer, the scientist should have ample knowledge on how his inventions and discoveries should be used, and how they could be potentially exploited for harmful purposes (creating bio-hazardous weapons)

2.1.1. Thus, he is in the best position to made recommendations to the society on how his discoveries should be utilised so that they can make the most out of his inventions and benefit society As such, it can be said that it is part of his job duty to show concern over the misuse of his work, or to ensure his works are being used appropriately. eg. the scientist can appeal to the government for special legislation on his inventions if they are seen to be potentially dangerous by the scientist himself, so as to prevent others from exploiting it easily. Having said that, it is extremely difficult for a lone scientist to exert control on how the society uses his scientific works and discoveries. getting the government to control and imposes strict regulations on how these works should be used could be an idea to minimise the exploitation of well-meaning scientific discoveries and turning them into dangerous weapons

3. Agree:

3.1. Over-contemplating the potential harm that could arise from new inventions and discoveries could hamper the scientist from carrying on and furthering his/her research work

3.1.1. The primary aim of a scientist would be to pursue knowledge and discover new revelations about the universe previously unknown to mankind, furthering our understanding and facilitating scientific breakthroughs Despite the numerous benefits that stem-cell research could potentially offer, much of our conservative society has not embraced and accepted this,and some have even out-rightly rejected this (mostly people who believe that Man should not play God in determining matters of Life and Death) Due to various controversial ethical issues involved; some fear that acceptance of these breakthrough advancements in medical technology could lead to a "slippery slope", where one day human cloning will be acceptable

4. Disagree:

4.1. Viewpoint of Morality

4.1.1. The core purpose of a scientist is to create advancements in technology that are meant to benefit humankind and make the world a better place through innovation and the phasing out of tedious , manual methods of work (mechanical technology) or to enhance the well-being of humans through bio-engineering (bio-technology). Hence, If an invention of the scientist ends up being used as a weapon to harm, the core purpose of a scientist would be overwritten. Which should not be happening. Hence one could say that a scientist should not only be responsible for the discovery of breakthroughs in technology , but also the usage of the knowledge he has discovered. This can be done by the scientist deciding who he will impart the knowledge to. For example, Otto Hahn, discovered that the nuclei of atoms could be "split" to produce energy , in search of creating a more efficient energy source. However, the very same genius that could have been used to make the world a better place, resulted in the death of many, as the nuclear bomb was created from this discovery and is widely known as the most lethal weapon in the present age However, Modern Scientists are usually working under the government and the decision of how the scientific discoveries are used are up to them, hence, governments and scientists must work together to ensure that the technology does not fall into the wrong hands, as almost any useful tool can be turned into a weapon

5. Agree:

5.1. modern day scientists are dependent on government or companies for funding their research in the pursuit for knowledge due to the fact that modern day research are more reliant on modern day equipment than ever before due to the depth of research required

5.1.1. when new knowledge is obtained via the research done, the new knowledge will be converted into technology by the funders who will meet the needs of the modern consumers by utilizing the knowledge obtained and converting them into new technology since the invention or discovery is owned by the sponser the scientist has no say in how the discovery should be used and is thus not his responsibility or his concern to ensure the end product of his discovery a good example is transgenic splicing. Scientists have discovered the use of being able to extract the genes of an animal and placing it into another so that that other animal would have similar properties to the initial. this is so that it would one day benefit mankind

6. Disagree: The basis of discoveries and inventions made by scientists can be build upon either a good or a bad way

6.1. Science should be used as a betterment for mankind, it is neccessary that a scientist ensures that his inventions and discoveries are put into good use and have minimal damaging effects

6.1.1. The main objective of every scientist then has to be the invention or discovery of something that can serve as an improvement or catalyst to improve the lives of mankind and the environment we live in The reason why scientists exist essentially, is to research and discover things that can prove to help humans in some way. Be it improving the efficiency of producing energy, or improving the quality and yield of crops via Genetically Modified food. They all serve a same purpose, which is to make our lives easier and better. An example would be the invention of the hybrid gas-electric cars by Victor Wouk in 1974. Although only recently being tested safe and made more efficient, his discovery has led to hybrid cars that consume half the amount of petrol a normal car consumes. And as fuel is a limited resource, this has really helped with the problem of a world with rapidly depleting resources. It also decreases the pollutive gases produced as less fuel is burnt. The invention has hence killed two birds with one stone by decreasing fuel consumption and pollution by cars

6.2. New node

7. New node