World Religions
by Dillon Hull
1. According to the Islam religion The Prophet Mohammed recieved his first revelation in a cave on Mt. Hira near Mecca wich is now Saudiarabia in 610 A.D. Islam is the youngest of the great world religons.The word Islam means surrender,submisson and peace Mohammad recieved the Koran, the holy book of Islam. The word came from Allah through the angel Gabrial. Mohammad recieved many messages from Allah in his lifetime.There are two groups of Muslims,Sunnis and the Sh'ites. They agree on most basic beleifs but dicigree on the rightful leader of Islam when Mohammad died Musslims beleif in one God Allah and angels. They beleif in the holly books the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. They beleif that Jesus is a prophet.Muslims beleif in the Day of Judgement and life after death.
2. Chiristianity began with Jesus Christ born in the Jewish faith. He grew following the faith until he began to preach the Jewish leaders were not doing the right things. Jesus began to teach the kingdom of God is rooted in service and love. Many of the Jewish leader has become self serving and not following the rules. From a yong age Jesus has followed God and taught about him. Now as a man Jesus has began to say things that devided the Jewish people. Jesus taught that do to sin man was losing his relationship with god. Jesus taught of a new covenant with God. Jesus will pay for all man sins and create a new relationship with God of forgivness and love. Jesus did what he said and taught he said he would be crucified ,die, rise again.Raising from the dead symbolizes we also can rise from the death of earth to live in heaven.After Jesus died his followers were called Christians the first Christians were the disciples.
3. Christianity
4. Judaism becan about 4000 years ago in the Middle East with the Hebrew people. Abraham is thought as the father of the Judish religion. He taught of the belief there is one God. This is different because many people in the Middle East belief in many gods. Relatives of Abraham became known as the Israelites. God promised to take care of them if they listen to him. God gave Moses a leader the know as the Ten Commandments, formed the basis of the Torah, and the book of Jewish laws. There are three basic groups and the Jewish religon, Orthadox Jew, conservativa Jews, and Reform Jews. Now Jewish people belive that Jesus a great teacher possibly a prophet but not the Son of God. They are still waiting for gods Son.
5. Islam
6. Judaism