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Force by Mind Map: Force

1. Describing force

1.1. Is a push or pull force

1.2. Described as strength in a given direction

2. Measuring force

2.1. The SI unit of force is Newton (N), names after Sir Isaac Newton

2.2. Direction/strength of a force can be represented by an arrow. The longer the arrow, the greater the force, and vice versa.

3. Gravity

3.1. A force that pulls objects toward eachother

3.2. Universal Gravitation

3.2.1. The law of universal gravitation states that gravity acts between all objects in the universe

3.3. Factors that affect gravity

3.3.1. Mass The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull

3.3.2. Distance The further the distance between two objects, the lesser the gravitational pull

3.4. Weight vs Mass

3.4.1. Weight The force of gravity that is exerted on an object or person on the surface of a planet

3.4.2. Mass The amount of matter in an object

3.5. Free Fall

3.5.1. Occurs when the only force acting on an object is gravity

3.5.2. Acceleration in Free fall Objects accelerate in free fall because they the unbalanced force of gravity is acting upon them Acceleration due to gravity on Earth is 9.8 m/s^2. That means in 2 seconds, its velocity is 19.6 m/s^2. An objects falls at 9.8 m/s^2, regardless of mass

3.6. Air Resistance

3.6.1. A type of fluid friction that occurs when an object falls through the air

3.6.2. An upward force exerted on falling objects

3.6.3. The greater the surface area of an object, the greater the air resistance

3.6.4. In a vacuum, where there is no air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate of acceleration

3.6.5. Terminal velocity Occurs when the force of air resistance is equivalent to an object's weight.

4. Net force

4.1. The combination of more than one force acting on an object at a time

4.2. Combining forces from opposite directions

4.2.1. Subtract the strength of the lower force from the greater force to get a net force.

4.3. Combining forces from the same direction

4.3.1. Add the strengths of the forces together to get a net force

5. Unbalanced forces

5.1. Forces are unbalanced when there is a net force acting on an object.

5.2. Can cause an object to start moving, stop moving, or change direction.

6. Balanced forces

6.1. Forces are balanced when equal strengths of force act on an object from opposite sides

6.2. Objects that have balanced forces acting upon them are not in motion

7. Friction

7.1. Strength of friction

7.1.1. Depends on how hard the surfaces push together and the types of surfaces involved

7.2. Types of friction

7.2.1. Static friction Friction that acts on stationary objects

7.2.2. Sliding (Kinetic) friction Friction that occurs when two solid surfaces slide over each other

7.2.3. Rolling friction Friction that occurs when an object rolls across a surface

7.2.4. Fluid friction Friction that occurs when a solid object moves through a fluid

8. Newton's First Law of Motion

8.1. An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object that is in constant motion, will continue to be in constant motion, unless an external force acts upon it.

8.2. Also known as the Law of Inertia

8.3. Inertia

8.3.1. Tendency of an object to resist a change in motion

8.3.2. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia. Thus, more force is needed to change its motion.

9. Newton's Second Law of Motion

9.1. Acceleration of an object depends on it mass and force exerted on it

10. Newton's Third Law of Motion

10.1. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

11. Momentum

11.1. A characteristic of a moving object that is related to its velocity and mass

11.2. Momentum = mass x velocity

11.3. Unit of measurement

11.3.1. Kilograms-meters per second (kg⋅m/s)

11.4. Conservation of Momentum

11.4.1. The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of interacting objects does not change in the absence of an external force

11.4.2. Collisions With 2 Moving Objects If 2 objects with the same mass but different speed collide, the momentum is swapped between the 2 objects With 1 Moving Object If an object in motion hits a stationary object, the momentum from the moving object is transferred to the stationary object With Connected Objects If an object in motion hits a stationary object, and fuses into one single object, the momentum is conserved between the 2 objects