1. I thought technology was:
1.1. Something we as humans created to make our lives easier
1.1.1. (Chrysler 200) Car
1.1.2. (Microsoft Word) Text Editor
2. References
3. Camper C. (2012, June 15). Microsoft Word. Retrieved from burris computer forms: http://info.pcforms.com/DIY-Printing-blog/bid/56917/15-Essential-Tips-for-Designing-in-Microsoft-Word Li-Ru, R. (2007). What is Technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3). Maskus, K.E. (2004), Encouraging international technology transfer. Retrieved from http://www.iprsonline.org/unctadictsd/docs/CS_Maskus.pdf Miles, D. (1995), Constructive change: Managing international technology transfer. Geneva: International Labour Office. Ramey, K. (2013, December 12). What is Technology - Meaning of Technology and Its Use. Retrieved from http://www.useoftechnology.com/what-is-technology/ TED Talks. (2010, Feburary 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS1xL1qcBa4 Yonca J. (2011). Chrysler 200. Retrieved from caranddriver: http://www.caranddriver.com/news/2011-chrysler-200-photos-and-info-chrysler-200-news
4. What I think technology is now:
4.1. "Technology has to create things that benefit human beings." (Li-Hua, 2007)
4.1.1. From reading new material, my new definition is: "The term 'Technology' is wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology" (Ramey, 2013) "Technology is anything useful invented by a mind." (Kelly, 2010) "The means by which we apply our understanding of the natural world to the solution of practical problems." (Miles, 1995) "the information necessary to achieve a certain production outcome from a particular mean of combining or processing selected inputs." (Maskus, 2004)
4.2. Conclusion
4.2.1. Everyone has their own definition of what technology is based on their own experience with the technology they use everyday. It is the one thing on our planet that will continue to change our lives for as long as humanity exists on Earth.
5. Creative Aspect
5.1. I decided to create a mindmap like how the Professor did his.
5.2. Why is this creative
5.2.1. To me its creative because it's something I have never done before
5.2.2. Gives me a good opportunity to learn and try a piece of technology that may become useful in the future