1. 1. Bridge Cultures
1.1. Who will carry out the step?
1.1.1. The Teachers and Students
1.2. What is the step?
1.2.1. Teachers will find out about the ELL students in their classroom and the cultural background they come from in order to incorporate this information into the classroom and their teaching strategies. This includes pronouncing names correctly and learning how their society and cultures work (ex. individually vs collectively, etc)
1.3. Where will it take place?
1.3.1. This will mostly take place in the classroom as well as appropriate school excursions that may give further insight into a different cultural background. Students can also be encouraged to have play dates outside school hours to experience what the other culture is like.
1.4. When will it take place?
1.4.1. These cultural exchanges can take place throughout the year in relation to different topics, especially regarding holidays, customs and cultural traditions that ELL students might be able to share in addition to the set celebrations.
1.5. Why is the step important?
1.5.1. ELL students are not only having to adjust to learning, speaking, reading, writing and even thinking in a new language, but they are having to acclimate to an entire new culture, way of life and possible educational approach. This can be quite overwhelming so having the student feel comfortable, safe, and have a sense of belonging is extremely important. Referencing their culture and language and incorporating it into the class can help the child feel more welcome and engaged in the new environment.
1.6. How will the step be carried out?
1.6.1. The teachers will need to research a bit about the different cultures in their class in order to recognize some of the major differences that could affect their learning and overall experience in school and find ways to differentiate (For example with individualism vs collectivism--have the students work more in teams. The teacher could have cultural exchanges, have the children celebrate different traditions and holidays, have the students bring in food, music, photos, traditional costumes etc from their country, learn traditional dances or do activities like making origami or sushi (For Japan) or paper lanters (For Vietnam.) This is a great way to involve parents as well and have a more family-like, welcoming atmosphere.
2. 2. Use Visual Aids (pictures, stories, videos)
2.1. Who will carry out the step?
2.1.1. The Teacher
2.2. What is the step ?
2.2.1. The teacher should make sure to use visual aids especially when teaching new vocabulary or explaining new concepts.
2.3. Where will it take place?
2.3.1. In the classroom and even throughout the school, picture flashcards could be used so students become familier with their environment to feel comfortable.
2.4. When will it take place?
2.4.1. This should take place all year as you build onto the students vocabulary and knowledge, evolving as you go.
2.5. Why is the step important?
2.5.1. By providing visual aids when teaching vocabulary and different topics, it will help benefit not only ELL students, but other students as well who are more visual learners. This helps them make a link or connection between the word and the picture and remember it better.
2.6. How will the step be carried out?
2.6.1. The Teacher will make appropriate flashcards for words and phrases that the students can see. The teacher can also read stories with pictures help give students an overall contextual understanding even if they might struggle to understand specific words. Pictures help students to make a connection between the written and spoken words to the image that they can remember. Videos are also helpful to make meaning of lengthier concepts.
3. 3. Student Centered Learning
3.1. Who will carry out the step?
3.1.1. The students
3.2. What is the step?
3.2.1. Based on the students interests, students will be provided with various provocations/invitations to play/learning centers with different materials, technology, and ways to further explore ideas and concepts which will allow the students to construct their own knowledge, building upon their strengths and have other ways of being able to show their understanding and creativity.
3.3. Where will it take place?
3.3.1. In the classroom
3.4. When will it take place?
3.4.1. Throughout the year during various activities and projects
3.5. Why is the step important?
3.5.1. Students have many abilities, talents, skills, interests and a very creative imagination. For ELL students, communication might not be one of their strengths, but perhaps they feel more confident expressing themselves artistically. Allowing them to have more freedom to explore their interests and discover things at their own pace will increase their confidence, love for learning and overall knowledge and ability to find alternative ways to work with different materials and mediums to enhance their learning experience. Reggio Emilia: 100 Languages
3.6. How will the step be carried out?
3.6.1. The teacher will set up different provocations /invitations to plays/learning centers where students will engage in self constructed learning projects based on their interests
4. 4. Combine native English speakers with ELL students in small groups
4.1. Who will carry out the step?
4.1.1. The native English speakers and ELL students
4.2. What is the step?
4.2.1. Native English speakers will be paired with ELL students when working in partners or small groups.
4.3. Where will it take place?
4.3.1. In the classroom
4.4. When will it take place?
4.4.1. Throughout the year for various appropriate assignments, projects and activities where students collaborate with their peers
4.5. Why is the step important?
4.5.1. Having native English speakers work together with ELL students is beneficial because the ELL students will have the opportunity to pick up on slang and common vernacular, speak in a more casual setting, become familiar with conversational flow, as well as have the chance to make closer friendships which will indirectly increase their cultural awareness and exposure. This goes both ways as well as the native English speakers will have the chance to find out more about another culture while feeling good about helping a student improve their language skills.
4.6. How will the step be carried out?
4.6.1. The teacher will assign groups/partners combining native speakers with ELL students
5. 5. Extend learning beyond the Classroom
5.1. Who will carry out the step?
5.1.1. The Teachers and students
5.2. What is the step?
5.2.1. Students will have the opportunity to learn outside the classroom, whether it is outside, within the school, or organized excursions
5.3. Where will it take place?
5.3.1. On school property or outside the school during excursions
5.4. When will it take place?
5.4.1. Periodically throughout the year as it relates to different learning topics
5.5. Why is the step important?
5.5.1. Learning happens everywhere and should not just be limited to a classroom setting. By extending learning beyond the walls of the classroom, students are more engaged and have the opportunity to be exposed to more things further deepening their learning experience. For ELL students, having the opportunity to take trips will put their learning and new language into context. Students learn the most when they actually do something, not just from hearing it. They remember it more and it becomes more meaningful to them. This will also expose ELL students to things they might not be familiar with in their own culture. These experiences are ones that will stay with them for a long time and makes learning more fun and engaging.
5.6. How will the step be carried out?
5.6.1. Teachers will arrange for exciting and educational excursions to deepen students knowledge about a particular topic. This can be done outside too, exposing the children to a more natural environment. (For example, when learning about making a mosaic, I took my students to visit a pottery village where they learned how to work with clay and make pottery themselves. We then visited a mosaic mural in town to gain inspiration that could be used to make our own.)