Sustainable Tourism

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Sustainable Tourism by Mind Map: Sustainable Tourism

1. Cost-Benefit Analysis

1.1. Cost

1.1.1. Social

1.1.2. Environmental

1.1.3. Economic

1.1.4. Political

1.2. Benefits

1.2.1. Social

1.2.2. Economic

1.2.3. Environmental

1.2.4. Political

2. Conclusion, should the project continue?

3. Map

3.1. Things to remember

3.1.1. key

3.1.2. title

3.1.3. scale

3.1.4. compass points

3.1.5. labels/annotation - Add Value

4. Negatives of Tourism

4.1. Data

5. Description of Project

5.1. What are they doing?

5.2. Who does it involve?

5.3. How much does it cost?