1. Delivery & Cost Structure
1.1. Online Mail Orders
1.2. Retail Carriers
1.2.1. Financial Institutions
1.2.2. Electronics Retailers
1.3. Price Point
1.3.1. Free To End User
1.3.2. Credit Card CompanyPays Transaction Percentage
2. Triple Bottom Line
2.1. People Planet Profit (3P) Policy
2.1.1. Donation of 1% profits for micro-loans
2.1.2. Donation program for "1% for the Planet"
2.1.3. Full Cycle Return to Recycle Program
3. Value Proposition
3.1. Customer Perspective
3.1.1. Convenience of single device
3.1.2. Security of biometric ID
3.2. Financial Institutions' Perspective
3.2.1. Reduced credit card fraud could save them billions annualy
3.2.2. Reduced overhead from issuing and maintaining physical cards
3.3. Retailer's Perspective
3.3.1. Security means fewer fee reversals
3.3.2. Secure touchless payment means faster payements (think coffee shop lineups)
4. Alliance
4.1. Partnership With Financial Institutions
4.1.1. Banks
4.1.2. Credit Card Companies
4.1.3. Loyalty Cards
4.1.4. Gift Cards
4.1.5. Transit Cards
4.2. Partnership with retailers
4.2.1. "Universal Card Accepted Here" Sticker campaign
5. Differentiation
5.1. Competitors
5.1.1. Google Wallet
5.1.2. Coin
5.1.3. Apple Pay
5.2. Differences / Benefits of Universal Card
5.2.1. Security of Payment
5.2.2. Convenience of Consolidation