1. General capabilities
1.1. Literacy
1.2. Numeracy
1.3. Information and communication technology (ICT) capability
1.4. Critical and creative thinking
1.5. Personal and social capability
1.6. Ethical understanding
1.7. Intercultural understanding.
2. Strands
2.1. Design and technologies
2.1.1. Knowledge and understanding: Technologies and society The use, development and impact of technologies in people’s lives
2.1.2. Processes and production skills: Creating designed solutions investigating and defining generating and designing producing and implementing evaluating collaborating and managing
2.2. Digital technologies
2.2.1. Knowledge and understanding: digital systems The components of digital systems: hardware, software and networks and their use
2.2.2. Processes and production skills: Collecting, managing and analysing data investigating and defining generating and designing producing and implementing evaluating collaborating and managing
3. Band levels
3.1. Foundation to year 2
3.2. Years 3 & 4
3.3. Years 5 & 6
3.4. Years 7 & 8
3.5. Years 8 & 9
4. Overview
4.1. Achievement standards:
4.1.1. Explains to students what should be demonstrated throughout each level.
4.2. Content descriptions
4.2.1. This describes the skills and knowledge that the teacher is required to teach.
4.3. Content elaborations
4.3.1. Elaborates on the content descriptors and explores them in more depth.
5. Cross-curriculum priorities
5.1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
5.1.1. Past present and future technologies used
5.1.2. The people, culture and country
5.2. Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia
5.2.1. The diversity of Asia
5.2.2. The link between Asia and Australia
5.3. Sustainability
5.3.1. Developing the skills to evaluate the benefits and costs for different technologies.
6. Student diversity
6.1. Gifted and talented students
6.2. Students with a disability
6.3. English as an additional language or dialect
7. Curriculum aims and objectives
7.1. Develop knowledge, skills and understanding to further develop skills to work individually and collaboratively.
7.1.1. Research, creating multimedia products, analysing data, designing solutions to problems, controlling processes and devices.
7.1.2. Problem solving, decision making, communication, creative expression, and empirical reasoning.