1. Specific Learning Goals
1.1. Contribute to the design of an individual iMovie
1.2. Import media into iMovie
1.3. Edit media in iMovie to create a two minute practice iMovie, which incorporates film, text, photos, audio and music
2. Assessment
2.1. Informal formative assessment of practice iMovie, to ensure students know how to import and edit media
2.1.1. Checklist will be used to assess
3. Students' Prior Knowledge
3.1. Some knowledge of iMovie
3.2. Knowledge of how to film using an iPad
3.3. How to upload media to be imported into iMovie
3.4. How to upload iMovie into class blog
4. Resources
4.1. Teacher information
4.1.1. YouTube: iMovie Tutorial for Beginners 2016 - iMovie 10.1 Tutorial. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKu5p4e4CbY
4.1.2. iMovie - Technologies Curriculum- Resources for Teachers. Retrieved from http://dtm4260.edublogs.org/2016/01/13/imovie/
4.2. Students
4.2.1. A3 paper
4.2.2. Textas
4.2.3. Pencils
4.2.4. iPads
4.2.5. IWB
4.2.6. Class blog
4.2.7. up-to-date music files
5. Other Learning Areas
5.1. Not applicable in lesson one
6. General Capabilites
6.1. Literacy
6.2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
6.3. Critical and Creative Thinking
6.4. Personal and Social Capability
6.5. Ethical Understanding
6.6. Intercultural Understanding
7. Learning and Teaching Adjustments
7.1. Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
7.1.1. Teacher and Education Assistant to provide extra assistance with task
7.1.2. Team students who exhibit patience and show leadership to provide assistance
7.2. Gifted and Talented Students
7.2.1. Place each student into a group to provide assistance - assign 'special responsibility' of providing assistance to other members
8. Learning area: Technologies
9. Learning Experience Focus: Digital Technologies
10. Date: Friday 20th May 2016 Time: 1:45pm - 2:45pm
10.1. Designed to be run during a STEM block
11. Year level: Four
12. Content Descriptor/s
12.1. Knowledge and Understandings
12.1.1. Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways (ACTDIK008)
12.2. Processes and Production Skills
12.2.1. Collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and solve problems (ACTDIP009)
13. Key Ideas
13.1. Systems thinking
13.1.1. knowledge of how to use the iMovie software
13.1.2. how to upload information to a class blog
13.1.3. how to download iMovie
13.1.4. Email iMovie as an attachment
13.2. Project management
13.2.1. Students handling their own project
13.2.2. Students submitting task on time
13.3. Design Thinking
13.3.1. designing an iMovie Indigenous Dreaming story, incorporating film, text, audio and music
13.4. Computational Thinking
13.4.1. Creating a task for students to complete which design, creation and editing decisions are left to the students