1.1. DevCamp
1.2. Visual Studio Community Edition
1.3. Azure SDK / Command Line Tools
2. Agenda
2.1. Introduction to Azure
2.1.1. Creating a trial Microsoft Azure account and activating MSDN benefits
2.1.2. Introduction to the Azure Portal The user interface in the portal has changed. The creation of the app takes about three minutes
2.2. App Service
2.2.1. Getting started with Azure App Service Web Apps and ASP.NET The user interface of the portal has changed. The database server name must be entered with only lowercase letters.
2.2.2. Create an app with a mobile and web client in Azure App Service It's an old HOL, use this instead
2.3. Identity and Access (AD)
2.3.1. Building a Single Page Application (SPA) with ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js using Azure Active Directory to Log in Users SSL will be enabled the first time the site is started locally. Example Files A UserProfileController exist Copy DefaultConnection from example Use Edge instead of Internet Explorer when you run the site. Chrome doesn't render json when testing /api/trivia Choose also Web API when creating the project
2.3.2. Integrate Azure AD into a Windows Desktop WPF App
2.3.3. Azure AD B2C Preview: Build a .NET web app
2.4. IaaS
2.4.1. Infrastructure as a Service in Microsoft Azure
2.5. Data overview
2.5.1. Building a web application with ASP.NET MVC using DocumentDB Copy-and-paste heaven. You really need to read the code to learn something about documentdb
2.5.2. Getting Started with Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Elastic scale is not the same as Elastic pool
2.5.3. Write a program in C# to query and connect to a SQL Database
2.6. IoT
2.6.1. Node.JS -> EventHub -> Stream Analytics -> PowerBI
3. Azure Features
3.1. IoT Hub
3.2. Event Hub
3.3. Stream Analytics
3.4. PowerBI
3.5. Azure Storage
3.6. Azure SQL Database
3.7. DocumentDB
3.8. Machine Learning
3.9. App Service
3.10. Service Bus
3.11. Data Factory
3.12. HD Insight
3.13. Service Fabric
3.14. Application Insight
4. Hands On Labs
4.1. Create an account
4.1.1. Creating a trial Microsoft Azure account and activating MSDN benefits
4.2. Portal
4.2.1. Working with the Management Portal
4.2.2. Introduction to the Azure Preview Portal
4.3. Azure and TI SensorTag
4.3.1. Basic
4.3.2. Storage
4.3.3. Service Bus Communication
4.3.4. More information about TI SensorTag
4.4. DocumentDB
4.4.1. Get started with the DocumentDB .NET SDK
4.4.2. Build a web application with ASP.NET MVC using DocumentDB
4.4.3. Build a Java web application using DocumentDB
4.4.4. Build a Node.js web application using DocumentDB
4.4.5. Build a web application with Python and Flask (MVC) using DocumentDB
4.5. Machine Learning
4.5.1. Machine Learning Online Course
4.5.2. Machine learning tutorial: Create your first experiment in Azure Machine Learning Studio
4.6. Event Hub
4.6.1. Get started with Event Hubs
4.7. Stream Analytics
4.7.1. Get started using Azure Stream Analytics: Real-time fraud detection
4.7.2. Social media analysis: Real-time Twitter sentiment analysis in Azure Stream Analytics
4.8. HD Insight
4.8.1. Hadoop tutorial: Get started with Hadoop and a Hive query in HDInsight on Windows or Linux
4.9. App Service
4.9.1. Web App Create an ASP.NET web app in Azure App Service Create a Java web app in Azure App Service Build and deploy a Node.js web app in Azure App Service
4.9.2. Mobile App Mobile Apps, Create an iOS app Mobile Apps, Create a Windows app Mobile Apps, Create an HTML app
4.9.3. Logic App Create a new logic app
4.9.4. API App Create an ASP.NET API app in Azure App Service Build and deploy a Node.js API app in Azure App Service Build and deploy a Java API app in Azure App Service
4.10. SQL Database
4.10.1. Write a program in C# to query and connect to a SQL Database
4.11. Application Insight
4.11.1. Add Application Insights SDK to monitor your ASP.NET app