Disabilities Under IDEA

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Disabilities Under IDEA by Mind Map: Disabilities Under IDEA

1. Deafness

1.1. Interventions/modifications: The student needs an unobstructed view of the sign language interpreter and the instructor. Speak directly to the student and the sign language interpreter will interpret your words directly.

1.2. Assistive technology: Loop systems have been used for many years, being more popular in Europe than in America. Based on telephone technology, it is a time proven system for aiding those with hearing loss. Loop systems use a cable that circles the listening area. The loop can be any size, and can be placed anywhere. It could be around a classroom, an auditorium, a table (for conference work) or even around a car. The teacher speaks into a microphone and the signal is amplified and fed through the loop. Students receive the signal through specially equipped hearing aids that receive electromagnetic signals. These hearing aids are very common, and have a built-in “T switch”.

2. Emotional disturbance

2.1. Interventions/modifications: Support the student’s inclusion - Emotional disturbances, by their very nature, can make it difficult for people to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships. You can support the student with an emotional disturbance in subtle but meaningful ways, especially during group work, cooperative learning activities, peer interactions, and team projects. There may also be times to let the student work alone, take a break, or have a hall pass for some quiet time apart.

2.2. Assistive technology: The Talklight - it's light flashes according to noise in the room. Can help students settle down or transition to another activity. iPod - plays music as a calming activity for students. http://www.tokbox.com/vm/kx1muazu9ywt

2.3. Case study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nKVeQyShMo

3. Hearing impairment

3.1. Interventions/modifications: Noise/reverberation reduction (carpet & other sound absorption materials). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwWAHyD0f4w

3.2. Assistive technology: Videophone or Text Phone

4. Deaf - blindness

4.1. Interventions/modifications: Provide experience-based instruction to supplement or introduce group instruction as children with deaf-blindness have difficulty learning through observation or independent exploration. This results in an experiential and conceptual base that differs significantly from children with any other disability. They must be given the opportunity to recoup information which has been consistently denied to them by their sensory losses.

4.2. Assistive technology: computer aided real time (CART). http://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/ddhh/newsletters/publications/brochures/Cart_bro2.pdf

5. Autism

5.1. Interventions/modifications: Actively use a home/school communication book that outlines specific progress and challenges that occurred during the home and school environments. The book is exchanged with classroom staff member s and the family on a daily basis.

5.2. Assistive technology: MyVoice is an alternative and augmentative communications aide (AAC) designed to help non-verbal, low cognitive people communicate their needs and desires. It’s the digital big brother of a “picture board”, a communication method that has been shown to work extremely well many non-verbal children. http://www.discovermyvoice.com/

5.3. Case study: http://www.emstac.org/registered/topics/autism/case.htm

6. Development delay

6.1. Interventions/modifications: Use a picture schedule for the days events and review this at breakfast, in the car, and teacher reviews events of day at school. When an activity is completed, then the picture goes in the all done basket, with the next activity always at top. Make sure there are sensory diet breaks at least every hour, with short intense learning periods mixed in with movement and sensory diet activities.

7. Intellectual disability

7.1. Interventions/modifications: Make assignment modifications so as that the student can complete fewer or different homework problems than peers, write shorter papers, answer fewer or different test questions, create alternate projects or assignments.

7.2. Assistive technology: Communication boards are boards or pages in a book that have pictures and words that a person can point to in order to express themselves. Some people may have extensive books with many options, and others may have much smaller books. Be aware that not all books will have a way for a person to communicate that they have experienced domestic or sexual violence. For some people who use communication boards, non-verbal communication is a large part of their communication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2V4al_l0MI

8. Orthopedic impairment

8.1. Interventions/modifications: Special seating arrangements to develop useful posture and movements and instruction focused on development of gross and fine motor skills.

8.2. Assistive technologies: These could include speech recognition software, screen reading software, augmentative and alternative communication devices (such as communication boards) and academic software packages for students with disabilities

9. Specific Learning Disabilities

9.1. Interventions/modifications: Depending in the issue, classroom modifications could include audio books, large print worksheets, simplified directions and colored strips or bookmarks for reading.

9.2. Assistive technologies: A variety of assistive technologies could include abbreviation expanders, alternative keyboards, audio books, electronic math sheets and free-form data base software http://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/free-form-database-software/

10. Other health impairments

10.1. Interventions/modifications: Depending in the specifics this could include preferential seating, extended breaks, extra time to complete tasks, extra time to arrive to class or allowed extra time to pack up and modification of physical activities such as in a P.E class.

10.2. Assistive technology: This could include, again depending on the specific condition, reading software, math software and printable word processors.

11. Multiple disabilities

11.1. Interventions/modifications: Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction—(i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and(ii) To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children.

11.2. Assistive technologies: word processor, special software, or a communication system

12. Speech/Language Impairment

12.1. Interventions/modifications: Allow students to use any technology that may help them with their disability area. For example, perhaps they can prerecord anticipated responses on audiotapes, videotapes, or computers, and then play that recording for the class.

12.2. Assistive technology: FM systems use radio signals to transmit amplified sounds. They are often used in classrooms, where the instructor wears a small microphone connected to a transmitter and the student wears the receiver, which is tuned to a specific frequency, or channel. People who have a telecoil inside their hearing aid or cochlear implant may also wear a wire around the neck (called a neckloop) or behind their aid or implant (called a silhouette inductor) to convert the signal into magnetic signals that can be picked up directly by the telecoil.

13. Traumatic Brain Injury

13.1. Interventions/modifications: Allow use of a portable computer with spelling and grammar checks for assignments and note-taking

13.2. Assistive technology: Special computer hardware and software, such as voice recognition programs and screen enlargement programs, enable people with mobility and vision problems to carry out educational or work-related tasks.

14. Visual impairment, including blindness

14.1. Interventions/modifications: This could include Copies of overhead projector/smart board activities to be viewed at his/her desk as needed, verbalize all information as it is written on the board or overhead, use a slant-board to position papers appropriately for reduced visual strain and to avoid glare and use of a reading guide to assist in keeping place while reading and completing worksheets.

14.2. Assistive technology: Video magnifiers are an ideal option when a student needs greater magnification and when contrast enhancement will assist the student in reading print. The video magnifier will allow access to regular print materials with the ability to enlarge and write on worksheets. The video magnifier also provides a larger field of view and gives the student a longer working distances when higher degrees of magnification are needed which is very beneficial when reading lengthier passages.

14.3. Case study: https://prezi.com/de8xovbwx8u8/visual-impairment-case-study/